Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Heeeee's Baaaaack
The Detective/Officer that has my "case" made an unannounced stop at my office this morning to let me know. Now, isn't that sweet. I have spoken with this man a few times before, we keep each other updated one new happenings in the situation and what not. I was surprised to see what he looked like. He sounded like an older gentleman on the phone, but in person...he was younger than what I had pictured. He wasn't this gray haired man in his suit and tie, he was a younger guy (35-45ish) in uniform. Anyways...that's not the point....
Words were exchanged between him and the man that I asked him to speak with. Hopefully that is a good thing and isn't something that will set off my 'note passer' man. I just pray that the detectives words were stern enough to get the point across, but gentle enough to not make this guy go even crazier than he already is. I just want to be able to go around town and not have to worry about who I might run into.
Either way, I have the detectives number in case anything might happend, which makes me feel better. He even said he wouldn't mind sending someone out here on a Sunday morning if things begin to get uncomfortable. I'm content with the situation now. Especially since I won't be here for the next couple of Sunday's. That should be enough time away for things to get back to normal and I don't have to be around this guy and worry about what he's going to do next...
Monday, June 26, 2006
BridesMaid Duties
We got to spend a day trying on and playing in all sorts of dresses. It's like dress up for big girls.
Then we get to throw parties for them and have all sorts of good times!!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Things That Bother Becky
1. I hate it when people dilute the liquid soap to save money. I just went to wash my hands and it felt like all I did was put water on my hands. Why would anyone think that putting water in soap is going to make it last longer? It just makes it runny and not make any bubbles.
2. Single ply toilet paper. You just have to use more and so it doesn't last any longer. You use less at a time if you buy the good stuff. This is one thing that I dont' skimp out on. I'll buy the god stuff.
3. When people going to the teller at the bank and use the line that has the ATM. Goodness, save that line for the people that just want to get a couple of bucks out instead of making them wait the 20 minutes it takes you to deposit a check....Drives me crazy when I'm in a rush.
4. Blinker's. They're there for a reason.
5. Now I'm not really one to drive ridiculously fast, but I do like going the speed limit, so if the speed limit is 65 and you want to drive 55...please do not drive in the left hand lane. LEFT LANE FOR PASSING ONLY. Come on people, read the sign.
6. Don't say you're going to call someone if you're not going to call. Just don't say anything. I'd rather have someone say, "Well, it was good seeing you. See ya later." Then "Hey, I'll definitely call you." and then not call. I don't want to expect a phone call thats not coming.
7. If you open a drawer or a cabinet, shut it when you're finished.
I'm sure there's more but I don't want to be so negative about everything.
Monday, June 12, 2006
So Much, So Fast
I took a group of 10 Middle Schooler to Arlington for 3 nights to do some mission work up there. It was awesome! We had such a great time and everyone got along very well. Not to say that the boys didn't act like 14 year old boys, but was a great time. Tiring, but great.
We did work at "Mission Arlington". Our daily duties were: sorting through the donations that people drop off, separating clothes, putting clothes on hangers to put in their "store", driving an un-airconditioned truck to pick up donations, sorting boxes of cleaner, organizing a food pantry and going to old apartment complexes to play with kids and to Bible Studies with them. We were constantly busy.
Lauren even came to spend an evening with us...well, with me! Which is always good times. We had yet another good bye moment which, again, was pretty difficult. It's pretty real now because she's already left and won't be for a couple months until I get to see her again. Luckily the summer will keep me occupied, but that won't be the case when there's nothing to do around here.
Then we got to spend a day at Six Flags to reward our selves for all the hard work we did. It was a great time. Go to ride lots of rides!!
Then I head to San Antonio almost as soon as we got back into town. Carrie's Bachelorette party was this weekend so we had a great girls night out! Dinner and Margarita's at Cha-Cha's then dancing the night away at Cowboy's Dance Hall. I haven't gotten to do that kind of dancing in so long, I had such a great time!! Plus I got to hang out with some old friends which is always good!! And I got to hang out with Cory and Andy. Andy and I had a great little talk about what's going on in his life. Which was interesting because we never really have serious conversations anymore.
Travis showed up at Cowboys that night too! That's always fun. I like seeing him. Good things happened, we had nice little chat.
Now I'm back in Georgetown in the "real" world getting ready for my next adventure!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Sinking In

I've never been one to make girl friends very easily. My excuse is that I grew up with three brothers and so I'm just more comfortable around boys than I am girls (except boys I like). So having a girl friend is a big deal for me. I mean, I have girl friends that I grew up with and when to high school with and went to college with...but after college is when I really found a girl that I was comfortable with talking about personal life: the future, boys, jobs...just life in general. I didn't feel judged, I never felt embarrassed, I didn't feel looked down on and I always felt like I meant something. Yes, this goes out to you Lauren.
Today I was sitting at my desk is when it really really really sunk in that she was leaving. I kept telling myself that she was moving...but now, right's sinking in. Four years she'll be away. Maybe even longer if she likes it there that much. FOUR YEARS!!! That's a long time. I've lost touch which plenty of people in the last four years. I don't really forsee that happening with Lauren, but it's scary to think. We might be really good about keeping in touch for the first year...but then what...what if we start to slack. I shouldn't be thinking so negative because if this friendship is as AWESOME as I think it is...then we'll stay in contact for always!!
But if I don't see her this week while I'm in Arlington on a youth event...I'm not going to see her for months. Which is rough because we have been pretty good about meeting up once a week for dinner or coffee. I'm definitely going to miss that...She was for sure one of my stress releasers. Now who am I going to talk to about all the things going on in my life? Yes, I will still talk to her... but sometimes it's just better in person.

She was also the one that I got to take trips with...we've been plenty of places: Miami, Key West, Arlington, Nashville, Winston-Salem, Charlotte...never a dull moment when we're together.
Anyways...I just wanted everyone to know that Lauren is such an amazing person. And I am going to miss her dearly. But now worries, we'll see each other soon enough in her new surroundings.
Lauren, I am very proud of what you are doing and wish nothing but the best for you in your new life. This is what you should be and need to be doing. You will make so many more lives full with what you do.