Thursday, November 30, 2006

What Irks me

I'm a little irritated that the phone companies can tell you how many minutes you can talk on the phone.
We shouldn't be limited to much time we can spend on the phone before 7:00p.m. (Or maybe I just have the wrong phone provider.) I do use my phone pretty regularly before 7:00 and sometimes I get charged for doing so. For a whole month I only have roughly 6.6666 hours of talk time on Monday thru Friday before 7. Now to me...that is ridiculous. Unless I'm talking to someone with the same phone provider. If my phone calls were short and sweet, that's fine, but they're not always. Or I'm not paying attention to what time it is when I answer the phone and just continue to talk for a while and then have to pay for it.

I really think we should be able to talk for as long as we want whenever we want. Land lines don't give you a limit of how much you can talk on the phone, they just give you your fixed rate and tell you to have at it. My new month just came into effect yesterday and I already have used 130 minutes and that means I only have 270 minutes left for the rest of the month...that's just not fair. I shouldn't have to apy because I want to talk to my friends...Disgusted is what I am.

I'm sorry it just pisses me off sometime...people giving me a limit of how often I can use my phone....and during the holiday season...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I Want to Scream But Make No Sound

I am very easily frustrated. So much to the point where it almost makes me sick. I'm having to deal with deadlines again, and for some reason or another, I have parents who just don't think that the deadlines apply to them. For instance, I had a deadline of this past Sunday for this big event I'm planning at the end of December. Yesterday I had everything sealed and stamped in an envelope ready to go when a mother called and said, I'm sending you my son's registrations forms....
Of course I'm such a push-over that I said OK, and opened up the my envelope so that I could change everything to fit him and another boy in. Now I Have to get a whole new check written, which at my job is a painfully long and stressful process and so for me to ask for one at the last minute almost makes me want to cry. And you know what...I still haven't gotten those new registration forms in yet. So here I am freakin' out and wanting to scream and cry at the same time, but I can't....

Had another great conversation with my cousin last night. He was scared to call because apparently he had come into Austin to hang out with some of his buddies from high school and he didn't call me to come out and didn't know how I would react to that. It really isn't a big deal or anything, kind of sweet if you think about it.
We always give each other inside scoops about the opposite sex, he gives me some little hints and I do the same for him. He and I are both pretty chicken when it comes to approaching the opposite sex and we use each other to pump ourselves up. He had wanted to talk to this girl in his class for a while and he finally got up enough guts and then asked for her email address. Her email address!! I was confused, why not ask for a telephone number. Reason: a girl is more willing to give out her e-mail address to someone she doesn't know instead of her phone number. Good point I thought. It's true, I would much rather get an email from someone I barely knew than an awkward phone call. And then he said if you really liked the guy who is asking for you email address to just go ahead and write your number on there as well...and ladies...always write your name on the piece of paper.

It's not that guys forget your name, it's because they are just as nervous and are already thinking of there next line to say while your saying your name, that they just get nervous. Cute, I thought. What an interesting little tid-bit to know.
I always get nervous about "making moves" on guys too, like after you first meet someone, I always feel like it's the guys responsibility to move things along, but sometimes they're just as nervous too. Like I met this fun guy a couple weekends ago and nothing really came of it, so I asked my cousin what I should do and he was just like: Guys are usually just as self conscious as girls are and to just go ahead and email him and if nothing happens...then nothing happens, but at least you tried. doesn't make you feel any better when nothing happens though. Oh well...that's just life.

I also told him about the date I went on this weekend that was super fun. And he said I handled it pretty well...I guess not alot can happen when he's hours away. Now, I'm not saying that long distance relationships can't work, but you both have to put the effort into it, and right now I'm not so sure I have that kind of attitude to put forth. But maybe we'll see how Christmas vacation goes and if I see him again then...

To my all my cousins, not just the one's I talk to on a regular basis...I love you all!

Monday, November 27, 2006


I love going home...or, I love visiting home. It is always just a great and wonderful time. I love the "Becky" that I am when I'm home and in a comfortable environment. It's not that I'm Not comfortable here...I guess I'm just more so there and it really shows. I'm a very fun person. I'm the person I was before I graduated from college and had to get a job. Not that I don't love my job, but there are somethings, like getting up in the morning, that just make it hard to be "fun".
At home, I'm a very hyper and fun to be around person. I'm always smiling and in a good mood, I'm very funny. I had a friend from high school come up to me and told me how much she likes to see me because I'm always so full of joy. Obviously she only see's me when I'm back home. But what an amazing compliment.
People don't judge me when I'm down either, or maybe I just don't notice it as much. When I meet new people up here and tell them what I do, I always get weird reactions, but back home, people know me for who I am and what I used to be like. It's just so great!! Let's see what else made this weekend great...
Besides having my favorite holiday every (THANKSGIVING), I got to see all my family, Yay! I got to go out on a date, I got to go to the zoo!!, and got to hang out with really awesome people.
I thought the "date" might catch your attention. It was really fun. I ran into a guy that I knew in high school and he asked to take me to dinner on Saturday night. Well, I'm not going to pass up a chance like that. The one time I get asked out and I have to get picked up at my parents house, which meant my parents just HAD to meet him. Which was alright, they're good people. Poor guy had to walk all the way up to the door and introduce himself to both my mom and my dad. But it was good. We ate out at the Outback. Delicious. We had some kangroo chops and koala-kabobs...just kidding. But it was such a great time. This guy is very outgoing so there weren't any awkward silences, which was great. I have a very hard time keeping conversation going, but it was easy this time. So that was that, we had dinner and he took me home. He went to hang out with his friend and I went out to hang out with my friends. He's in college station and I'm in Georgetown, so I guess that was it. It was fun, and I'm sure we'll hang out again...but is it really all worth it?
And the ZOO!! I love the zoo, I haven't been there since high school. It was great. They're doing construction so there were some animals missing, but I got to see the Giraffe and that's what I really wanted to see. And check it out. They have these new mini-zebra's in one exhibit...they let me hold it, It was awesome!!
Hee Hee...that was funny, right!!
So all in all, my weekend was great! Loved it. But now it's back to the punching the clock!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Christmas List

I was talking with my Mom last night and we got on the topic of what to get me for Christmas. I had originally asked for a digital camera, but I wanted it before Christmas. So yesterday I went out and bought myself one. It's a pretty snazzy one too! So I need your help to get some ideas of what I should tell my parents to get me for Christmas. Any suggestions will be helpful! Thanks!!

Friday, November 17, 2006

You Are Not the Father

I love the Maury Povich show. But I like the one's where he's making someone's dream come true or doing a make-over on a much needed human being. Whenever I see that it's going to be a Paternity Test Episode I usually just turn the TV off or change the channel. Well, today I didn't. Nothing else was on and I was just waisting time until I left for San Antonio.

There are some women on there that have tested over 15 men and still have no clue as to who the Father of their child is. How disgusting. It's one thing to cheat on a partner and have a little mix-up...but to have slept with over a dozen people at around the same time that you can't figure out who fathered the baby...there's got to be something wrong with you. I can't even fathom that. I don't see it to be that difficult to be faithful to one person...much less to be unfaithful so many times with so many people.

Now these kids are growing up not knowing who there father is. Hello Ladies...there's an easy solution to all of this. STOP SLEEPING AROUND. It really isn't that difficult. Have a little self control to that you can be more respected to others.

Another man was on there and told his wife that he had cheated on her with over 50 people...and that's just in a couple years time. What is wrong with these people?!! How rotten of a person do you have to be. I just don't understand all that. I just had to vent because it drives me crazy to think that all of this is going on and they wonder why they have all these illegitimate children and diseases and can't have a good relationship. Grow up and Get some Morals.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I Love You Like A Chicken

Just be prepared that this post is going to be a long one because there are so many things to say!!
First, I'll explain my title for the Post.

I went on a weekend retreat for Middle Schooler's this weekend. It was really great. I was surrounded by 190 middle schooler's, that's got to be good!! The Synod brought in a woman named Celia Whitler to do all of the worships for us. On the first night she was talking about her sons. One of them is 4 years old and each night he would say something to his mom like "I love you 100" or "I love you 1,000" or "I love you like candy" and one night he said "Mom, I love you like a chicken". So that was our task for every day was to tell as many people that we love them like a chicken. It was great. What an easy way for Middle schooler's and even the older sponsors to tell other people that they love them and care for them. So if I come up to you and tell you that "I love you like a chicken"...that's where that came from.

The weekends theme was stories of faith, and one of our activities was to think of a family memory or tradition that has stuck in your mind. It's one of those things where it's always hard to think of something on the spot. But for some reason, a memory or my grandmother's house popped into my head out of the blue. She passed away in 2000 and it took me this long to just sit and think and remember. It's a simple memory, but it almost made me cry:
Growing up, every Sunday after church we would go to my Grandma's house one weekend and then to Nani and Pop's (they didn't want to be called grandma and grandpa) on the other weekend. Every time we would go to Grandma's house in Falls City she would either cook us Polish Sausage with Fried Potatoes or Chicken and Dumplings. I'm sure there were other dishes that she made but those are just the two that always stuck in my mind. And every time I would walk in her house I would go up and give her a hug and go straight to the stove to take the lids of the pots to see what was cooking. I know it's a simple thing, but she always expected it to. I was always the one that checked what was cooking for lunch. I guess you could call it a was just something that I did. And now that I think of it, it's a sweet memory that I will always have. It was obviously a part of my life.

Needless to say I learned a lot about myself this weekend. There are other stories that I learned about my life that has made me in the person that I am today and that has pruned me into the woman of faith that I am today as well. I always get so much more out of the weekends that are intended for the youth than I do out of the weekends that are for the adults. Oh well.

It was also my first gathering without Lauren. :( Sad, I know. But that just meant I got to spend more time with my sponsors that I brought. Which was great, because they were super fun people that I'm really glad came along for the weekend activities.

Another story from the weekend. I drove our 15 passenger Van, that has dulley wheels in the back. It's AWESOME! Well to fit that many people into one vehicle, there has to be many rows. There's the front bucket seats and then 4 rows of youth in the back. Well one of the girls in the third row back got a little car sick. No, let me rephrase a lot car sick. Good thing we had some plastic trash bags in the vehicle. Yes, she did make everything into the bag, but poor thing had to do her business surrounded by lots of other youth. Then there's me in the front seat who has the worst gag reflexes EVER. I thought I might get a little "car sick" myself. I had a hard time listening to the regurgitation in the back seat, driving 12 other people, and smelling the sweet aroma of the waste...I Gagged.... A LOT! But we made it back safely and without any more incidents.

When we got back into town I had just enough time to go home and take a quick shower before coming back to work to meet with my high school youth.

Monday was going to be my day off. It was for the most part. I had to get up early to go to the Orthopedist for my 6 week check up. He claims everything should be fine with me as long as I keep doing my excersices (which I'm not gonna lie, I don't do them as regularly as I should be). The shooting pains in my arms and legs to me are signs of a pinched nerve in my spine...but Mr. Dr....seems to think I'll be fine. So we'll see!

Other exciting things from Yesterday.

My parents had their 30th Anniversary. THIRTY YEARS!!! That's very awesome.

My friend Keith, his mom and my mom have been friends since the 8th grade, so we basically grew up together. He's like my 4th brother. Well he called yesterday afternoon...his wife delivered there son!! Yay!! Noah was born at 2:30, he was 8 pounds and I'm sure some ounces and 21 inches.
Congratulations to the new family!!
I'll be in that area this weekend so hopefully I'll get to pop in and see the new family!!

I had my usual phone call from my cousin last night. It was a long one. With council meeting getting out late and the unually long talk with Bryan, I missed watching Hero's and Studio 60 which makes me a little upset because I really like those shows. But family comes first. Anyways:
Of course there was girl problems, which I hope my cousin just grow some and realized that he's an idiot and shouldn't be dating girls that are 9 years younger than him. At least not right now.
He also shared with me that he is an Atheist. Or in his words, he's at least 97% sure he's an atheist. The other 3% is skeptical. So of course we got into a discussion about that. I noticed that I don't know how to handle stuff like that. It made me more sad than it did make me mad. He was a Marine and had been through lots of stuff and now he's a state trooper and I just figured that so much as happened in his life to support the fact that there is a God that he wouldn't have any reason to doubt. I guess I was wrong. He keeps our Grandma's Rosary in his bullet proof vest. He said that was part of his 3%, so I'm hoping that his 3% grows into something a little more. I just had no idea how to handle situations like that.

I feel that I should have all this knowledge to poor out to him because I work in a church, but I almost didn't have anything to say. I did say something, but I was so speechless that it was almost embarrassing. I told him I would pray for him and he said he would appreciate that. I'm hoping he's just going threw a confusing time right now. I know lots of guys go through a time when they don't go to church and just wait until they're married...the same ol' excuse I hear from many people. I asked him what he's going to do if he marries a christian and he said "I'll fake it". How do you fake something like that? To me if you're faking it, there's got to be a little Jesus in your hear that you know of, know what I mean.
So if any of you have any advice for me on how to handle this let me know. Advice to where it doesn't sound like I'm preaching to him...I don't want to turn him away...

Friday, November 10, 2006

Everybody Loves 'Becky'

I was watching an episode of Everybody Loves Ramond last night. IT was about Ray's Father, Frank, being "Man of the Year". Ray's job was to put a video together of Frank's friends saying what they liked about him. Well...nobody had anything nice to say about him, so Ray improvised and made a different kind of video. Needless to say, Frank was a little disappointed.

Later that night, Frank got up enough courage to ask Marie, his wife, what she would have said if she would have been interviewed for the video, of course she said something very sweet and thoughtful about her husband. Just what Frank needed to hear. So in return Marie asked Frank what he would have said about her if the tables were turned. His response-he got up and said it was time for bed. Marie was furious! She looked right at him and said "That's why nobody likes you! You take and take and take and give nothing back in return. You just expect everyone to like you because you're Frank."

I've realized that I've somewhat turned into Frank. I just expect people to always like me and do things for me. I didn't used to be like that. I was always the giver and I guess sometimes you just get tired of giving and not receiving. When do the givers get something back?

I used to be very giving and ready to jump up and do anything for my friends. Not that I still don't do that...but it's a little different. I'm not as apt to be the first to open up and say what my friends mean to me...I don't know what's different, but it is. So to all my friends-thank you for putting up with me and my changed attitude. I would do anything for any of my friends and I hope they all realize that.

Monday, November 06, 2006

7 Minute Ride

I go home for lunch every day pretty much, except for the days that the Secretary and I do something together...
Well my drive back was one of the most exciting I've had in a while.

First off, the weather is just perfect for riding with the windows down, which I LOVE to do!! So that right there just makes driving more enjoyable.

I drive past one of the many parks here in Georgetown to get to work and guess what...There's a CIRCUS TENT set up!! Yes, I know...Very exciting. Of course I'm sure it'll only be exciting on the weekends and yes, I'm booked for the next 4 weekends, so I won't get to see it. Which although makes me sad, I assume I'll survive. It is just neat to see a huge tent in the park.

The radio was playing great songs, which is good because I took all my CD's into my apartment because I was working on my mp3 player this weekend and I haven't yet put CD's back into the vehicle.

As I'm driving through town the radio show I was listening to made an announcement. Neil Patrick Harris, you may know him as Dr. Doogie Howser, is Gay. And apparently very proud of it. Which surprises me because his tv show "How I Met Your Mother", he's very NOT gay... So that was a very surprising moment.

Then, as I'm sitting at my last stop light before my arrival, I notice a SUV which was either a yukon/suburban/tahoe that had been converted into a hearse. Something I had NEVER seen before in my life.

What a way to end my drive.
I was just so excited about all the happenings on my short drive that I just had to share it!

Where's the Line?

Yesterday was another busy Sunday here at work. We had our annual Spaghetti lunch that the Senior High Youth put on. It was a huge success and everything ran very smoothly. It just makes for a busy/tiring day. Which is fine. I did a little mingling while everyone was eating to thank everyone for their support. I stopped at a table with a two year old boy. Now this little one is adorable. He always gives me hugs and runs with me, we have a great time. Well, I was going to leave the table and so I said "bye bye" and he said "bye bye" and gave me a hug and then he wanted to give me a kiss. Obviously his parents and sisters kiss him on the lips like most families do, and so he's learned that that is where you kiss people. My question is, is that OK for me to do? That may sound weird because he's a baby...but as a youth worker, is there a line? I'm not sure. I just kind of laughed and turned my head and said bye again...I just didn't know how to handle that. Is it OK if I kiss other peoples babies on the lips??? I don't know.

I'm also getting really stressed about the whole respect factor here at work. I've been here for 2 years and 8 months and my high school kids still look at me like another high schooler. It really gets to me sometimes. There are times when I ask them to do something or be quiet while I'm talking and apparently to them they hear "yes, have a conversation with your friends that is unrelated to what I'm saying." I absolutely HATE to yell, but I've found myself raising my voice pretty frequently lately, and that makes me sad. I don't like having to do that. I don't like that 'Becky.' All I'm asking for is a little respect, and it's only for a couple hours a week. I don't think that's too much to hope for. Is it?

I finally bought my plane ticket to South Carolina and so my trip to see my favorite girl is official!! I'm so excited to finally get to see Lauren. It will be about 6 months since I last saw her from when I do get to see her and I'm stoked!! Yes, I said stoked!! Saturday night I spent the evening getting my mp3 player loaded with new CD's, so that my plane ride will be more enjoyable. I'm just getting so excited!!

OK...back to work.