Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Just A Little Bit

Well, I've been trying pretty hard to not be such a trashy eater. I have been doing so well with my meals. Mostly it's just a sandwich, but that's better than a frozen pizza all the time. And I haven't had a soda in three days. That's a very long time for me. I usually bring one to work every day, and I haven't this week. Only a bottled water. So, I'm pretty proud of myself.

Then I was feeling a little left out since a lot of my kids have ipods. I can't afford one of those, so I bought a little mp3 player and it came in the mail on Monday. So I put a couple cd's onto it and I was so tempted to use it, that I went walking in the park that is across a couple streets from where I live. It was awesome. I walked about two miles and listened to music. Now I want to walk every day because I won't get as bored now that I have music to listen to.

I haven't talked to Matt in what seems like a huge amount of time and it's really only been a couple days. But after we've been talking every day, it's a long time to not talk in a few days. But I got an email from him...he's such a hard worker. He works 15-18 hour days and is just too tired to hold a conversation at the end of the day. Which is understandable. I would rather him get some rest so that he doesn't get sick from not sleeping. So, now when we do talk, it should be awesome.

My cousin called me yesterday as well. He's a State Trooper and works south of Houston somewhere. Well, he's pretty good about keeping in touch and we got on the topic of girls and tanning. (Not related). So my cousin is like 28 years old and was "seeing" this 20 year old and thigns didn't work out. Now he was talking to this other girl and she turned out to be 19. I for one think that is ridiculous. But one of his friends is introducing him to another girl this weekend so hopefully that works out. He also asked me if it would be 'gay' if he were to go "tanning". I said YES. It drives me crazy when guys go to a tanning bed. A little too metro-sexual for me. I don't think boys are judged as much as girls are when it comes to being tan. I told him that he shouldn't worry about that. Our family just doen't have that gene that lets you tan. My whole family is pretty pale and his family is just as pale. I think we just need to embrace it. Accept the fact that we aren't supposed to be tan. Plus, most people just look fake. Now, I'm not saying that I've never been to a tanning bed before, because I have. I had a membership when I was in college. Now, I just don't have the time. Plus, I don't want to look all leathery when I get older. But I will get a spray-on tan for this wedding that I will be in in June. But that's because the bride wants all of us to look like Barbie's and in uniform and I'm pretty much the only one that's not tan. Whatever...

"Today is gonna be the day
That they're gonna throw it back to you
By now you should've somehow
Realized what you gotta do
I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do about you now"

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