Monday, July 04, 2005

Independence Day

I really like coming home for a couple days to see the family. But it's different from when I grew up here. Now we're coming in from all different directions, and some are still living here. It's great. We don't ever do much. But we did have dinner together, all 6 of us around the table again. I also taught my family this card game called "mow" where you can't tell anyone the rules. It was so fun to sit around the table and play a game together. We used to have family game nights alot growing up. So this was a nice little reunion.

We going to my cousins house in a little while to throw a surprise birthday party for my aunt. It'll be nice to see that side of the family again. I don't see them as much as I do my moms side of the family. Beer and Bar-b-q, it'll be a nice time. Well...there'll be more to say later. Peace Out.

1 comment:

Richard said...

I appreciate your comments. I was beginning to think that you were done replying. Thank you. It means a lot. I really enjoy talking to you. You have a very interesting blog. I enjoy reading about your relationships, friends, nights out, songs, etc... I love to listen. In high school, I was like a counselor. People always came to me, when they had a problem, concern, or just wanted to vent. I never really had to do anything about their problems. I would give advice every now and then, but mainly it was just to listen. I guess I miss that, and maybe that's why I started commenting on your blog. I haven't been blogging long, but I love it. However, it's not quite like the wonderful world of email. I have a "catch-all" yahoo email address that I would like to give you. You could write to it, and I would then reply from my everyday address. That is, IF you are interested. I get a lot emails that are funny as well as some that offer encouragement and inspiration. there are no strings attached just a continued friendship. Hope to hear from you soon. The address is Just be sure to put your name in the subject so I'll know it is you.

Anyway, now on to responding to your latest post. Going home is great. I went home to my parents' house over the weekend. However, they are close enough, that I don't have to stay the night. They are about 1 hour away. I have to admit. This visit was unlike most. I plan on posting about it later on today. I did get to spend some time with my nephew, whom I hadn't seen in about 6 years. He's 13, and lives in Hawaii. I brought him over to my house to stay the night. He and my son had a great time. They were glued to the PlayStation for most of the time. My son loves having kids over, especially boys. He feels outnumbered in a house full of girls. he wants a brother pretty bad, but I think he is out of
How did the Surprise B-day party go? I bet she was pleased. I like surprise parties, even if they are not for me. Well, I have to get back to work. Hope to hear from you soon. spell check.