Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Popping rose petals and drinking some beers Posted by Picasa


Rob West said...


Any day that has those two things in it is a day worth living.

Also, ever throw a TV out of a moving car? Probably more of a nighttime activity, but still highly pleasurable.

Becky said...

Throw a TV out of a car? I'd rather be able to watch my TV than watch a TV break into many pieces.

Rob West said...


Silly girl.

The TV doesn't work BEFORE you throw it out fo the car. Otherwise it's just silly.

(It doesn't work afterward, either.)

Of course, if you watch Maury Povich on it enough times, a TV that works fine will actually beg to be thrown out of a moving car...

Becky said...

Robert, you're the silly one.

And Maury Povich is a godsend to those skanks looking for their baby-daddy.

Rob West said...

I may be silly but you're smelly!

But the Babydaddy argument is hard to top.

So, I'll see your Maury and raise you 15 minutes of "Divorce Court".

Becky said...

I see your 15 minutes of "Divorce Court" as long as I get to keep the dog and the spoon collection.

Rob West said...

*lip smack*

Fine, but I'm keeping the TV and the car. (Hmm... what will I do with these 2 seemingly unrelated items?...)

Oh no you DITT'N!!!