Monday, December 05, 2005

Small Town Life

I grew up in a small town and it was one of those things where everyone knew everything that was going a certain extent. Like we have the "Peanut Festival" every second weekend in October, the "Stockhow" is well...sometime, I don't know because I don't really plan my schedule around that one. Plus just other little things throughout the year.
Georgetown is the same way. It has it's annual events, parades and the sorts. Well this past weekend was the "Christmas Stroll". NO ONE TELL THE NEW GIRL WHEN SOMETHING IS GOING ON. I was asked by a few people on Sunday, 'so did you enjoy the stroll'? I'm thinking to myself, What the Hell is the 'stroll'? I knew nothing of this. Apparently it was a great time downtown at the square. Oh well.

I ended up staying in my apartment baking cookies. 5 dozen to be exact. They're the peanut butter cookies with the Hershey Kiss in the middle. One of my favorite holiday cookie. And if I do say so...they're delicious. I love the way the Kiss tastes after it's been cooked. Yum!!
I finally got a lazy weekend and it was great. At times, a little boring, but so worth it because the next 4 weekends are already practically gone. I watched a lot of movies this weekend too: "The Anchorman", "Closer", "Alfie", and "Crash". I love vegging out.

Although the movie "Closer" really just gets me all riled up to where I just don't like boys, or girls for that matter. But I got over it.

Oooh and then yesterday for church I got up about 20 minutes earlier than usual so that I could curl my hair. Oh man I wish I would have taken a picture. I got so many compliments from everyone at church, it was so nice. I must say I looked pretty darn good. I mean...I got dressed up, fixed my hair AND put on make-up. That doesn't happen too often. It was kind of fun. May need to start dressing like a girl a little more often. But who are we kidding, I came to work with a sweater, jeans and tennis shoes this morning. I guess I got over that pretty quickly...


Lauren said...

Closer is such an interesting movie. I need to see it again. I remember leaving the theater and all I could think was, "Whoah." I was annoyed and depressed about relationships after that one.

Glad you had a veg-out weekend, girl. We need those! Too bad you missed the Christmas stroll--what the heck?! Oh, well. You and I can do the Trail of Lights sometime soon--just the two of us. It'll be romantic. ;)

Rob West said...

I'm not too sure how I felt when I saw Closer.

I actually kinda thought, wow, there's very little to like about this movie. It's not all that much fun watching four people be complete assholes to each other for no reason.

Ahh well.

I had a big churchy weekend too. Got made a 3rd degree member of the nights of Columbus. That's a promotion, but I'm sure it means nothing to you...

Becky said...

Oooh Lauren, we should definitely do the trail of lights sometime.
We need to start going on more dates together.

Knights of Columbus, eh, Rob...are you Catholic?

Rob West said...

Way to plant a capital K on the old thing there. I can spell just fine. What I can't do is type.

And am I Catholic?


Becky said...

Rob, I grew up Catholic so I'm pretty familiar with it and other things of the sorts. I even went to Catholic school during my elementary years...I hated the whole confesion scene so since my mom was Lutheran, we went to both churches and in high school I decided to go Lutheran all the way.

Dustin- I think they do the stroll on the square in Georgetown. But I think it's only the one weekend. I miss out on everything.