I'm just going to sum up the week in a few words because I have tons to do.
Drive to Kerville:
A&M vs. UT
"All of my life I've been Poppin' my collar, Poppin' Poppin' my Collar"
Jack in the Box
Unload the Dully van to load up the charter bus
We each get our own seat
Worship with water placed all over us
Bus ride to Colorado:
Ice Age
Smelly bathroom
Waking up in a Wal-Mart Parking lot...at least there's mountains around it
getting stuck in the snow and having to put on snow chains
stepping off the bus into a good foot of snow!!
First time on a lift and I didn't fall!!
Missed my ski lesson so I basically fell the whole way down my first green. (I think I was up for a good 12 seconds and one time)
Getting a lesson in the afternoon and then kicking butt at skiing
Getting lost and going down a Blue by myself. (I only fell 3 times)
Missing one of my boys and then taking him to the ER in town by Ambulance.
Beautful snow
Negative 6 degrees...COLD!!
HOT ski guys
Mashed Potatoes
Ride back:
Favorite new joke: "What's the hardest part of being a snowboarder?"
"Telling your parents you're gay"
That's funny, ha!!!
Anyways...I'll tell stories later...
Check out some pictures: SKI PICS
Yay! You're back! I've been thinking about you. Starbucks soon? I'll call you later today.
"Poppin' Mein Kampf," I'm sure you meant.
Oh goodness, "poppin' mein kampf". . .LOL
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