Sunday, July 16, 2006

New Realizations

What an Awesome weekend I had. I got to see and hang out with so many amazing people. It started off with having a drink with my new friend I made at church to spending the night with an old friend from high school....and then so much more in between. Through out this weekend I realized somethings about myself and about what I would like in my future.

Friday night after a long day of shopping, eating and spending time with an Amazing Guy - I ran into my neighbors and was invited to go out with them for some Dinner & Dancing. We went out to the SPJST hall in the great town of Taylor, TX. It was awesome, it was just a little hall out in the middle of nowhere that had delicious burgers and a spot for dancing. I danced my first polka and was pretty proud of myself. But the hall was filled with couples that were no younger than 75 or 80 (no joke). And they were loving it. These couples that have been married for 40+ years that were sitting with each other dancing and being so affectionate with each other. They danced so much with each other and were always smiling. You could just see how much they loved each other.

I realized that that's what I want. Someone who will still want to dance with me after 50 years of being together, someone who will still sit with their arms around my shoulder and squeeze my neck every now and then. It was just so neat to see how these couples acted after a long life together. I think it's awesome to see and know someone can love someone else for decades and still love them the same. Amazing! I just hope I will end up with someone and be in love for that long...

I also realized that I want to have a backyard that has some sort of pond or creek with a bench by it, so that I can sit and watch the water. I think that would be pleasant. Spending the evening with my hot guy by the water and just sit there. That's all that would need to happen.

I also realized how awkward I get around guys when it's just one on one. I don't know why, but I just have a hard time being myself because I'm always scared of what they're thinking...are we thinking the same thing? Does he just want to be my friend? Do I have something on my face? Should I touch him, what should I do if he touches me? know...I just think too much sometime. I guess I just need to let things happen and not worry so much. But as a girl...that's just what we do. I don't know how to stop it. I can tell myself to, but I don't always listen to my own advice.

Anyways...All in All, my weekend was excellent and now I get to play hostess to three college aged girls for the week. Hope I don't get too cramped with that many people in my apartment...

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I love watching the old couples at dance halls, too. That's what I've always wanted--to have someone who still sweeps me off my feet after 50 years of marriage! :)

Glad you got to spend time with Amazing Guy. That text was pretty. . .well, amazing. :) Hmmmm!

We all get awkward around people we like, I think. If we didn't, it'd be too easy, right? There's got to be something that makes it exciting. ha ha

You have a new friend at church? I'm a little jealous. . .wish I was there to hang out with you! :(