Thursday, September 29, 2005

Brrrrrr! It's cold in here

...there must be some Torroh's in the atmosphere.

I couldn't believe it when I walked outside this morning for work, I got the chills. It was actually cool outside. I know they said we were getting a cold front, but I was thinking...80's or something. My weather bug says that it's 66 outside right now. That's cold for me, and I didn't even bring a jacket or sweater to work today. My feet are freezing. When your feet are cold, your whole body is cold. But I guess it beats the 105 we had yesterday, right.

I'll leave work early today to pick Chris up at the airport. I always like making excuses to leave work early. We'll have a nice little weekend. Today is mostly hanging out, dinner with his cousin, then drinks with Lauren. Tomorrow we'll hang out again and then go to the Lake for some fishing and jet ski's. Saturday is still open, maybe a movie or something. I don't know. We'll just see how things go. His cousin called me about 5 times yesterday wanting to know if I've made any plans yet. She's stressing more than I am about having something for us to do every moment that he here. I keep telling her that we'll just think of something when the time comes. Apparently that wasn't good enough for her and she wants me to have an itinerary for every day. That is NOT going to happen. I'd rather just do something on the spur of the moment. Most likely we'll just rent a bunch of movies. That's easy enough.
Good thing this cold front came in today too. He's been living in days where the high is only 55, and we had 105 yesterday. He would have literally melted.

Wish me luck...

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