Thursday, September 29, 2005

What's Really on my Mind

I always got pissed when guys would string me along making me think that they liked me and wanted a "relationship" of some sort. I would always think in my mind: Spare me the time and energy, just tell me you don't like me in that way and I'll move on. Yes it would suck to have someone tell you that, but at least then you don't feel like a fool for believing something would come of it.

I've heard the phrase, I just didn't want to hurt your feelings, enough times. What, do you think it's easier to grow feelings for a while and then tell me your not interested? What's better buddy? Tell me know or tell me later? I'd rather get it over with.

And here I am...string along this poor guy because I don't have the guts to hurt his feelings. I've never been on this side before and I really don't like it. All I've told this guy is that there can't be a relationship because of the distance...I never told him that I'm not interested in him in that way. Because if I was interested, I would figure something out.

I'm beginning to understand the difficulty that guys have when it comes to the opposite sex. It's just not easy to let someone down. It sucks whether you're the one doing the talking or the one receiving. I guess this is just a life lesson...don't drag things on.

I've had so much anger built up towards guys when they drag out the "conversation". But seriously, they got to have balls to do that. Who wants to make someone else unhappy? No one, I hope.
So to all you guys that are just waiting for the "right time" to have the "conversation"...there's never a Right time. Just do it before there are too many emotions at stake. Sometimes girls fall too quickly and so once you know you're not interested, let them know. Don't wait a week or two to see if your feelings change, do it immediately so that it won't be as hard...on both your parts.
These are just my two with it what you wish.

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