Tuesday, December 27, 2005
When's My Vacation?
I got some good pics, but those will have to come later because I do real film and not digital.
I didn't really get to see any friends from high school while I was down. Things are really different between those friends and I. Mostly it's because they're either married or engaged and just don't do ANYTHING EVER. So I'm stuck at home, which isn't bad. But you know...it would be nice to go out and be social. Thanksgiving was nice and I got to go out, but I hung out with people from another town, and not people I went to HS with. It's whatev.
Now it's off to Kerrville for three nights. Texas lil' slice o' Hot and I have just planned an event for all the high school kiddo's in our Synod. Pray that it all goes well.
I called my planning team partner last night to see if there were any last minute things that I needed to take care of...get this...she changed almost everything for the three days of presentations. So basically, I don't really know what's going on anymore. Which, I guess is OK because then I'm not the one stressing over what is going on. I'll just hang out and eat the candy canes that I'm bringing along. That should be fun.
Things should get back to a more normal pace sometime after the new year. Hopefully, Lauren and I will get to take a trip to relax after all of this stress...Watch out East Coast!!
Alright, my girlies are showing up...I'll get back to you guys in a couple days!!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Christmas is All Around
I feel it in my toes
That Christmas is all around me
And so the feeling grows
It's written on the wind
It's everywhere I go
So if you really love me
Come on and let it snow"
From one of the greatest movies EVER. I love Love Actually, it's such a great holiday movie, and not even during the holiday's it's a great movie.
I just got back from a Deliciously Free lunch with Lauren. We had to get our 'fix' of each other before we left for the holiday. She shared her Christmas fantasy in a previous blog and it got me thinking of what I would want as a Christmas fantasy.
Besides the basic one of being with all of my family around the dinner table just goofing off and sharing memories I've had a hard time coming up with something. I think when it comes to "Fantasies" I can't divide them into holidays. I have my dreams of what I would like to do with someone that I love, but when it comes to holiday's, I really do just want to be with my family and the rest of the people that I love.
I have fantasies...I'm going to change that word to imagine, because I'm not really liking that word, fantasy. I imagine going to a tropical location and just not doing anything, and I also imagine going to the mountains or to the city and just traveling in general.
I have alway wanted to go to Rockafella (that's my ghetto side) center in New York and seeing the huge tree and seeing all the decorations, but I wouldn't want to be there on Christmas day. I want to be wherever my family is. Unless I could get my whole family up there at once.
Although I think it would be neat to do something like that when I first get married, because then there's no extra baggage (kids) and we could still play it off as part of the honey moon era. I guess I should just quit dreaming because it just gets me hyped up and then I'm back to where I'm at...going home to an empty apartment. Which is great...but just another reminder that I'm still somewhat "alone". Which I'm not too sad about anymore. I need to start taking advantage of the fact that I get to do whatever I want with my life right now. YEA!!!
So what do I want to do with my life right now??....
I have options and I have ideas and I have dreams...it's just following through with one of them and being happy with what I do. I just need to find my rockstar to sweep me off my feet...so if you're out there...I'm here and I'm waiting!!
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Parent's Just Don't Understand
I share a lot well, actually, most of my life, with my parents. I like to keep them updated and hear what they have to say about what is going on in my life. But I don't always think I'm really listening and using what they're telling me.
My neighbor invited me over last night, which he does every now and then, to talk about what is going on in our life. We sit either at his table outside or, like last night, at his table inside and have a beer. He's always very curious about what is going on in my life.
Then he tells me about what he had a guy tell him the other day. He said that life gives so much to us. Which means, we should give back to life. How do you give back to life you ask? You LIVE IT. That's all life asks of us, is just to live. Not to just exist or survive...but LIVE.
Am I really living? I don't know if I am or not. I'm happy for the most part, I love where I'm at, but am I actually living? I'm not like my neighbor where I travel all over Mexico and the United States every couple of months. Yes, I have traveled a lot this year, but half of that was work related. How do you live, what is living to us?
Right now, it's just surviving and existing. But I'm also living...
He's also concerned that I'm not dating anyone...what kind of parent woud get concerned if their child wasn't dating anyone? I sat and talked/listened to my neighbor for a good hour before I left. I asked if he talks the same way to his daughter (we're about the same age) and he says that she just tells him to shut-up. I think I would have told my dad that too. So why do we listen and take into account what other parent figures tell us. It's weird. I would have thought that parents would have more pull on the advice and listening...I don't know.
I do love my parents and listen to them ALL the time...but sometimes it's just good to hear from another person.
So to all of you out there...Start LIVING!!!
Sunday, December 18, 2005
It's just you and me
I don't think I was expecting to get tired like this. I don't understand how people who actually "work" for a living, survive. I mean, this is only a part of the year, but to actually have to be active all day, every day, for 12 hours...I'd die. Seriously.
But on a happy note, I got to see some great old friends this weekend. One of my old college roommates graduated from Texas Lutheran University this weekend and so a bunch of the old "crew" was there. It was so nice to get to see them. Shout Out to ROSS HOGG...I'm excited that you graduated. I'm excited for Lindsay, but I wasn't really worried about her getting out of school. I even ran into a guy that I went to junior college with and then a lady that goes to my church back home. It was weird, but exciting to see people that I don't ever see.
Tonight is my high school Christmas Party and I'm getting excited. I'm tired, but I really love this group of kiddos. They're amazing. They can definitely be a handful at times, but I love them all.
This week is going to be another busy one, but I hope to actually write something good later on. I'm sure these are boring you all. But I didn't want to neglet this too much.
Friday, December 16, 2005
I'm going Crazy...
Yesterday was seriously just TOO much. Going to a network meeting an hour away, staying there for 4 hours and then coming back. (The meeting went great, there were awesome people there) But then I get back to town to run errands for this event at the end of the month. Finally at about 5:45, we're bushed and go home. Just to get a phone call to do dinner. Which I needed to do. It was with a woman at church who I "spill my soul" to, and I really needed that last night. Only to get home at about 8:15 to get another phone call to go out. I just wanted to lay down, but I knew I would be pissed if I didn't go out. So I went out for a couple hours to do Kareoke. NO, I didn't sing, but I supported everyone who did.
Crap...gotta jet...off to Austin to work....
I hope to catch everyone up at some point in time.
I'm still alive...just not around.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Instructions for Life
1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk
2. When you lose, don't lose the lesson
3. Follow the three R's
Respect for self
Respect for other's
Responsibility for all your actions
4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck
5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly
6. Don't let a little dispute injure a great relationship
7. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it
8. Spend some time alone every day
9. Open arms change, but don't let go of your values
10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer
11. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get old and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time
12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life
13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don't bring up the past
14. Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality
15. Be gentle with the earth
16. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.
17. Remember that the best relationship is one in where the love for each other exceeds your need for each other
18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it
19. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon
Some are little things and some are big things, but they all mean so much.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Same Name
I'll start back at the summer after 4th grade, I was at Camp Chrysalis for my first time ever as a camper. (I know take my kiddo's there in the summer...special)
So it was the night of the dance and this one boy in my older brother's cabin asked me to dance to some country song. His name was Matt and he was so cute. Maybe he wasn't, but in 4th grade he was very cute to me. That was my first Matt encounter.
Matt #2 didn't come until college. I dated his suite mate and therefore hung out in the same area as him a lot of times. Well he had an amazing personality that I could just sit and talk with for hours. But he always asked me when we were going to 'make out'...so it got weird. But he's still awesome.
Matt #3 was also in college. This time, he was younger than me. But looked like Chris Carraba, which really drew me to him. We hung out a bit, but then I found out he had a girl friend, and so that wasn't that great.
Matt #4 was right after I graduated college and he was a coach at the university that I went to. He was older and would come over to our house and hit on my roommate and I just thought he was creepy.
Matt #5...Detroit...and that's all I'll say.
Next Boy we come too...TRAVIS.
Travis #1 was in high school and he was my first real kiss. I grew up in a town where you are either a farmer, in band or in athletics. I was neither. He was a runner. Awwww...he was something else.
Travis #2. My best friend had a huge crush on him and finally got to date him. They dated for a while. Then I got a phone call from him one day saying that he broke up with her because he liked me too much. Yuck, I felt gross. Not to mention, my best friend just got dumped.
Travis #3. Was from a different school and dated one of my friends from school and started to call me to hang out. I apologize to any girl that got dumped by a Travis because of me...it's not my fault, and NO, I didn't date either one of them after they broke up with these beautifully amazing girls.
Next Boy...Chris.
Chris #1 worked at my University that I went to, but not while I was there. I met him through other people. We hung out a couple times...he hit on me. He had a girlfriend for a couple years and he still cheated on her with a couple girls. Get a life.
Chris #2....from Wisconsin. Sweet as can be. But again...out of state.
Kris #3...South Carolina. Again, sweet as can be, but out of state.
It's the same names to me over and over. I guess I need to run when I hear some of these names. They really are all great guys. Just need some growing up to do. Well, not all of them, but some. I need to get a new list of names I guess.
Friday, December 09, 2005
A Few Questions
1. How much do I need new tires?
2. How much do I love my Saturn?
3. How do you drive on ice?
Question 1: I need new tires pretty bad. My dad has told me this that past three times I've seen him...which is over a period of a couple of months. I have no traction what so ever...especially when it comes to driving on ice, and as I was staring at the oncoming traffic on I35 it became very clear that I will very soon need new tires if I can't even go straight on a straight road....which brings me to my question number 2...
Question 2: Saturn has these dent resistant panels that it's made of. One of the most cleve inventions EVER. After slipping and sliding all over I35 with no control whatsoever of my vehicle I decided that going into Austin on Wednesday night was a bad idea. Well...exiting was a bad idea...just turning your wheel slightly makes the car go in all sorts of directions. I noticed myself going to the right, not at a slight 2 degree angle that normal cars go when exiting, but full on 90 degree angle headed straight for the grass...but oh no...I kept sliding more to where I couldn't stop at all and guess what stopped me...the guardrail. I head on smashed right into that guardrail. It was in such gracefulness that I was actually thinking to myself "Oh my gosh I'm headed straight for that guardrail, I can't turn my car at all so I'll just brace myself for the worst" BAM!! I hit it. I almost cried it shook me up a little. But since it was 24 degrees outside I said screw it, and I somehow got my car straightened out to get on the access road to turn around. Which wasn't much safer. I slid off of the road a couple times anyways. You seriously have no control whatsoever when it comes to driving on ice. Scariest thing I have ever had to do.
I checked my vehicle when I got home that night...not a scratch on it. I bent the license plate and that was the only damage. Actually I almost sliced it because it's bent really bad, I must have hit it right on the edge of the guardrail. So this week I am very thankful for dent resistand door panels and frames from Saturn because that would have been a bitch to repair.
Question 3: You may be wondering, how should you drive if your back tires start to slide out to the ride side of the vehicle? Well, you should always try and keep your vehicle straight. So turn your wheel to the right so that you keep your vehicle straigh so you keep your vehicle in a smaller area. I called my cousin Brian after I was making circles on the interstate because he was the one I was going to see in Austin. He's a state trooper and was in town for some classes. Well he let me know that you should always try and keep your vehicle going straight no matter what. So if you ever find yourself in that situations...keep that in mind.
"Ohh Boy you looking like you like what you see
Won't you come over check up on it, I'm gone let you work up on it
Ladies let em check up on it, watch it while he check up on it
Dip it, pop it, twork it, stop it, check on me tonight"
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Becky's Secret
The Billboard Music awards were on, so I flipped back and forth from other TV shows. I've always had a girl crush on Gwen Stefani...even since like the 8th grade. Anyways...she's totally hot. Her performance of Luxurious....AMAZING. (OK, so I thought she could have used a different hair style, but whatever, I don't judge) I thought it was so much better than the radio version. I now like that song. Plus, any pop star that brings in a rapper (Slim Thug or any one of the sorts) has Gold Stars in my book.
The next thing I watched, because Close to Home was canceled for the night, was the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. All I can say is Oh My Goodness. I want to be a VS model so bad right now. All you have to do is walk about 40 feet on a runway turn around and pray you don't trip. These girls have it made...they sit in a chair, people fix there hair while someone else is applying their make-up and they look gorgeous. I would totally look gorgeous if I had someone do my hair and make-up every day. That is definitely one of my Secret fantasies (if you will) to get to do that at some time in my life. Not necessarily as a career. But I would definitely love to get to walk the runway at some point in time.
OK...back to my dinner...I cooked some amazing chicken friend steak. I don't mean to brag, but I did a hell of a job last night. I even made homemade gravy to put on it. I was so proud of myself. I didn't have any potatoes at home so I had to make instant mashed potatoes...but I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to mashed potatoes.
OK...so why cook last night and eat like a pig? We got our church directories in yesterday. They literally took a year to get back. Seriously, I took my picture last November for it, right before I went home for Thanksgiving. Well, the secretary stopped me as I was leaving and she said I was looking at the directory with my daughter and...you've lost weight. And she's right, I have. I didn't think it was that noticable, but when I went home for Thanksgiving I noticed that I lost about 6 or 7 pounds. Now to many of you that sounds like a very small number...but, I'm a very small person. So that is a large amount for me. And for someone to actually say they've noticed that I've lose weight in my face...Whoah...that was a big shock.
So I'm trying to eat more...I guess that's wrong, maybe eat more healthier and more regularly. Hopefully that will work...because it's pathetic when a size zero is too big. I may sound silly saying this...but please pray that I gain weight...
I mean, I feel good so it's not like I'm worried, but I don't want it to get out of hand.
"This kind of love is getting expensive
We know how to live baby
We're luxurious like Egyptian cotton
We're so rich in love we're rollin' in cashmere
Got it in fifth gear baby
Diamond in the rough is lookin so sparkly
Working so hard every night and day
And now we get the pay back
Trying so hard saving up the paper
Now we get to lay back"
-Gwen Stefani
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
What do you Love?
I remember growing up we ALWAYS had some kind of animal at the house...dogs, cats, hamsters, gerbils, rats, mice, parakeets, a rabbit, fish. Those were all family pets. Yea, I loved them like anyone loves their pets.
But with Peanut...she's MINE. I got her, I raised her, she knows me and I know her. I love that little sucker so much. I'm sad that I got one that was already "different", but that's what made her special. I love her little head tilt, even though it's a sign of sickness. I think we just have something special. I could be standing in the kitchen doing something and she'll just start at my ankle and climb all the way up to my shoulder just to get a look at what I'm doing. Yes, I have scratch marks from her, but I don't mind.
We really bond. Watching TV on the couch with her just makes me smile...she'll just curl up on my neck and lay there with me. I guess it's just nice to have something around. I'll be sad when she's gone, but she's a champ and she's should be around for a while still.
I just think it's a different kind of love when you're the only one giving it. I don't have to share my love for her with someone else...that sounds so silly, but it's true.
I also love getting stuff in the mail. That is always so much fun. I keep buying stuff online just so that I get mail. It's always a surprise to open the mail box and find something. I got an invitation to TLU's graduation and that was the only thing in the box...it was just "yeah" I got mail. Plus it let's me know that someone was thinking of me.
Maybe love is the wrong word for these things, but it was the only thing I could come up with...
What do you guys love?
Monday, December 05, 2005
Small Town Life
Georgetown is the same way. It has it's annual events, parades and the sorts. Well this past weekend was the "Christmas Stroll". NO ONE TELL THE NEW GIRL WHEN SOMETHING IS GOING ON. I was asked by a few people on Sunday, 'so did you enjoy the stroll'? I'm thinking to myself, What the Hell is the 'stroll'? I knew nothing of this. Apparently it was a great time downtown at the square. Oh well.
I ended up staying in my apartment baking cookies. 5 dozen to be exact. They're the peanut butter cookies with the Hershey Kiss in the middle. One of my favorite holiday cookie. And if I do say so...they're delicious. I love the way the Kiss tastes after it's been cooked. Yum!!
I finally got a lazy weekend and it was great. At times, a little boring, but so worth it because the next 4 weekends are already practically gone. I watched a lot of movies this weekend too: "The Anchorman", "Closer", "Alfie", and "Crash". I love vegging out.
Although the movie "Closer" really just gets me all riled up to where I just don't like boys, or girls for that matter. But I got over it.
Oooh and then yesterday for church I got up about 20 minutes earlier than usual so that I could curl my hair. Oh man I wish I would have taken a picture. I got so many compliments from everyone at church, it was so nice. I must say I looked pretty darn good. I mean...I got dressed up, fixed my hair AND put on make-up. That doesn't happen too often. It was kind of fun. May need to start dressing like a girl a little more often. But who are we kidding, I came to work with a sweater, jeans and tennis shoes this morning. I guess I got over that pretty quickly...
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
One thing I LOVE
I got a UPS package today with some free promotional stuff. Not only did I get some free stuff to give to my kids, but there was packing bubbles.
I made it last at least an hour and a half and it was only like an 18x18 inch square. But each little *pop* just made me smile.
It's funny how simple things like that just take you back to childhood and make you happy.
My thumb and fingers are a little sore, but it was totally worth it. Plus, I'm listening to David Crowder..."you are more beautiful than anyone, EVER".
Our Advent soup supper starts in a little bit too!!! Free dinner!! And then we'll do the Holden Evening prayer.
This day just keeps getting better. From the way it started I would have thought it was be not so good...but dang, the Lord knows when you need smiles.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Just Be Brave
Now to find a single guy, in Texas to keep me company.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
All Smiles
I took my younger brother to his first bar last night. (I'm such a good big sis'). It was fun. We met up with my older cousin Bryan who's about 28 and all three of us just hung out it was nice. Daniel got a little excited and had much more than the both of us together. But he held himself nicely. Got to see alot of people that I don't get to see through out the year, so that was AWESOME. Ran into some great Falls City people. A couple of guys, it's always nice to see them.
My favorite part was running into this one guy...seriously, he walked by and my legs started to get week. My cousin and brother just laughed at me. He's this amazing guy, not only is he hot, in the marines, fought for our country and got shot 5 times...he was the first guy I ever kissed. So for me, to see this guy is a huge deal. I've had a huge crush on him all throughout high school, and probably a little longer than that too. Always a special place in your heart for that one guy. Ther'es just something about it, I think I really like him because he's just so tall. I am very attracted to tall guys and he's like 6'4". I saw him last year when I visited him in the hospital after all his surgeries, but it was just awkward because both of our parents were there. Anyway, we got to talking about our visit last year and what not. And as I was leaving he just looks at me and says...Gosh, I had the biggest crush on you. Oh my goodness, I could have fainted. I was like, shut up, I had the hugest crush on you. But that was about it...lots of hugging and poking after that. I think he has a girlfriend, but I didn't ask. I didn't want to ruin it. But doesn't that suck. After all these years of having this crush on him and not knowing he just comes out and is like, "I had/have a crush on you". Aaaauuuu, I couldn't sleep at all last night. But it guess it is nice to know that someone out there at sometime had 'feelings' for you. Whatev.
Then this other guy from his class was there and wouldn't keep his hands off me. It's flattering, but at the same time I kept thinking...get away, this hot boy is talking to me. He's a nice guy too, a little cocky, but one of those cocky guys that has nothing to offer but cockiness. Oh well. I can't wait to have girl time and share all my fun new findings....
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Only in Texas
I'm in a little pissy mood today because I was really excited to go home today. My truck was all packed up at 11:00 and my cousin that I'm picking up in Austin called and says....Um, there's been a schedule change and I can't be ready to leave until 3:00. Oh man did I almost have a heart attack. I survived, but seriously, I was upset. Now we're really going to be sitting in some crazy traffic and instead of getting home at around 2:00 or 3:00, we're not going to get there until like 6:00 or so. Ug...I guess that's how life goes.
But I am super excited to see all the family. Thanksgiving is always at our house, so I won't have to get up and go anywhere in the morning, which is nice. Although I'm sure there won't be any sleeping in time. We're going to have a full house. We don't have the facilities to accomodate that many people for sleeping purposes. Once we all started moving out the house there were less and less beds around. Now we have a couch, some cots and an air matress. It's silly. You would think coming home would be nice, now it's a struggle to get into the bathroom and find a place to sleep. The parents tore up the carpet to put in hardwood floors, which is really nice, but now we can't really sleep on the floor anymore. Alright. That's OK.
Well...I'm off to the great small town of Floresville. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving to everyone who reads this!!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
"You Are - More Beautiful - Than Anyone - Ever"
I did get to see some great sites though. Nashville.
"You are more beautiful
Than anyone ever
Everyday You're the same
You never change, no never
And how could I ever deny
The love of my Savior
You are to me everything
All I need forever
How could You be so good to me?
There is no one like You
There has never ever been anyone like You
Everywhere You are there
Earth or air surrounding
I'm not alone, the heavens sing along
My God You're so astounding
How could You be so good to me
Eternally I believe that'
You, You, You, You, You, You
How could You be so good to me?
How could You be so good to me?
We're not alone, so sing along
We're not alone, so sing along, sing along, sing along
There is no one like You
There has never been anyone like You
There is no one like You
There has never been anyone like You
There his no one like our God, yeah"
-David Crowder
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
'Til Tuesday
"I can't say good bye forever,
But I'll say good bye for now." -Mest
But don't worry
"The good times gonna come." -Aqualung
I know you're thinking:
"Please don't leave me now...when you're so far you'll forget about me." -Early November
But I'm thinking:
"You should know that I would never let you go." -Midtown
"And all I gotta say...is you're Extra Ordinary, baby." -Better Than Ezra
"I'm gonna smile and not get worried" -Jimmy Eat World
"As I go, remember all the simple things you know, My mind is just a crutch and I hope, that you will me when I'm gone - This is the last song." -All American Rejects
Off to Nashville for a great weekend of rejuvenation (I hope).
I'll miss you all dearly, but no worries, I will return to you all!!
Monday, November 14, 2005
For All of This
Some of my Kiddo's are having struggles with their parents. Which ALL teenagers go through. It's just part of adolescence. I asked them if they ever tell their parents how much they appreciate everything they do for them...or that they love them. That also got me thinking. I don't even do that. My family has never been the kind to just finish a phone call with an "I love you" or when we leave after a holiday or just any time at all. We throw in an "I love you" when times are bad, but that's about it.
It also got me think about that whole phrase and how often I've used. For me, it's easier to use with girls. I can tell Becca or Lauren or Courtney that I love them, but I can't do that with my parents? I also don't think I've ever said that to a guy before. Well, I take that back, I've said it to my dearest friends, because I do love them, I'm just not "in-love" with them. You know what I mean? It's just always been easier for me to say it to girls that to boys. Weird.
Lot's more on my mind...but my arms are feeling ridiculously weak and it hurts to type...
"for all of this
i'm better off without you
do you regret so
your loneliness"
-The Early November
Thursday, November 10, 2005
All Downhill from here...
I've always had back pains, ever since I was in high school I think it's just with my small frame and the way I sleep, it just aches a lot. And then I inhereted stress from my Dad, so it hurts whenever I worry too. Well, it got really bad my freshman year of college to where my mom took me to get an MRI to make sure everything was OK. Well it was...I just have a bad back.
Well, this weekend when I was sitting with my kids, I had the darndest time standing up. You would have thought I was pregnant the way I was grabbing my back everytime I stood up. And last night as I was brushing my teeth and washing my face, I just wanted to cry when I bent over the sink. Something is wrong. I don't know if I pinched something or what. It's usually just my muscles that hurt (I've been told I'm really 'tense' by a few people), but this pain is in my lower back and it hurts to to bend or sit or stand up. Weird huh. But I am stubborn so I'm just going to wait for the pain to go away. If I twist my body in just the right way I can get comfortable when I sleep. Although last night I had pillows stuffed everywhere trying to make it not hurt...but oh my gosh. I like to think I have a high tolerance for pain...tattoos where nothing, brother's punches are nothing, but this. Oh my gosh...I had tears in my eyes as I was trying to lay down. How ridiculous is that. It's not like I do ANYTHING strenuous to make it hurt.
Maybe I'm getting osteoporosis because I NEVER drink milk. Oh well...
"Catalyst, you insist to pull me down
You contradict the fact that you still want me around
And it’s all downhill from here
And it’s all downhill from here"
-New Found Glory
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Just some stuff...
5 Years Ago: My Senior Year of High School...I was so ready to get out of there. I had a huge crush on Philip...
1 Year Ago: Where I am today...working
Yesterday I:worked...then went to Kyles to watch "Love Actually". Then went to KFC for some food.
5 Snacks I Like:
1. Peanut Butter M&M's
2. Honey Wheat Pretzel sticks
3. Mint Milano's
4. Coke from Sonic
5. fudgecycles
5 (of my favorite) Songs I Know By Heart:
1. Ice Ice Baby - Vanilla Ice
2. You Lost that Lovin' Feeling - The Righteous Brother's
3. I Shall Believe - Sheryl Crow
4. Changes - Good Charlotte
5. Reason - Mest
Five Things I Would Do With $1 Million:
1. Build a house...not a huge one...one that was modest, but nice
2. Buy a Hummer
3. Get my Dad a '56 Ford Pick-up and my Mom a Kia Sportage (that's what they both want) and I'd most likely get all my brother's a new vehicle as well
4. Give to the Church
5. Shop...and Save
5 Bad Habits:
1. worry
2. trying too hard to impress everyone
3. wanting everyone to like me
4. being a picky eater
5. Judging others
5 Biggest Joys:
1. Spending time with my awesome Family
2. Spending time with my awesome Friends
3. Knowing that I've made something of myself
4. Watching Peanut, my rat, clean herself...it's so cute
5. This one is for my future...
5 TV Shows:
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. The Simpson's
3. Friends
4. Desperate Housewives
5. House
5 Girls/Boys I Would Date:
1. Chris Carraba
2. Wait...I'm not going to write down people I know...that's my secret.
It's Getting Hot Hot Hot
Nashville is coming up next Thursday and I'm getting a little antsy. I just want to push everything aside and just focus on leaving. I really like leaving...but I always like coming back. Sure hope Peanut is alright for the 4 nights that I'm gone...I may need to find her a sitter while I'm gone so that she doesn't get too lonely.
I wish I had some better things to say right now, but my focus and attention span is just crap right now. I can't seem to get anything done.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Stop It, Becky
Well I had the day off yesterday, and what did I do...I shopped. I also shopped on Friday before I left for this weekend retreat. We have this new shopping center that opened up in Georgetown and so when I get bored, I go there and look around. Best Buy just opened up this weekend. I thought having a Target close by was bad news...Best Buy is going to put a damper on my pay check. And, it did.
I bought 5 CD this weekend. At different times, but I got all of them. And I still have a list of ones that I want. They're all definitely worth the purchase, but again...I didn't really need them, yet I spent the money on them. Oh well. Here are my Great new purchases:
Midtown: Forget What You Know
Sheryl Crow: Wildflower
The Early November: For All of This
Aqualung: Strange and Beautiful
Mest: Photograph
Now that is a wide variety of music selections. But now I have something to listen to for almost all my moods. A couple of them like, Mest and Midtown, I had some of their other CD's and so I wanted to get the newer one's.
I already have a growing list of other CD's that I NEED to get. They're good, but I'm gonna have to wait until my next paycheck. I don't want to get too crazy with my spending. But now I have new stuff to listen to while I sit at my desk. Yea!!
"Sometimes, the last thing you want comes in first,
Sometimes, the first thing you want never comes,
And I know, the waiting is all you can do,
Sometimes... "
Sunday, November 06, 2005
And God saw that it was Good...
Plus, I got to see some great people that I don't get to see that often. I guess now, they are all my colleagues. Which is great...because they're my friends, plus we get to work together at times. Anyways...they're people that always make me smile when I see them. Maybe it's because I only get to see them every few months that it makes me happy to see them, and if I saw them more often, it wouldn't make me as happy. Whatever, it doesn't matter.
I ran into my old boss. I worked at this summer camp where the retreat was held and he is not the Executive Director. So we get to see each other pretty often and have become friends. Our Boss and Employee relationship is past and we are now friends. It's great. Anyways...he pulled me aside and was like we really need to talk. So we did.
He majored in Social Work and is just great with people. The first thing he told me was that he is great at reading people, which he is, and he noticed that I'm not "Becky" anymore. I was astonished. Someone that I don't see on a regular basis could tell that there was something wrong with me. So we sat outside and I just cried and spilled my little heart out. He had a few suggestions about what to do, so I was glad to have someone notice and care. Not that no one cares, but with my job, I'm the listener and I give the advice. I'm not always up for talking about myself and my problems. So it was nice to have someone listen and give me advice. We'll see what happens...
I'm not going to get into detail because some is personal...but I'm excited to see a change in myself.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Both of those things I could just sit/lie and look at for hours on end and not get bored. That was one of my favorite "dates" of all times. I was at this camp that I used to work at and me and this guy just laid on the dock of the creek and stared at the stars. It just doesn't get old.
I also remember being in Pennsylvania with my friend Rob and there was a fire where we were at, and it was just so captivating. There's something about those two things that just draws your attention to it. I love it.
Well I'm off for a weekend retreat with my middle school kiddo's and so I most likely won't be back until Tuesday. I will miss you all terribly, but I promise I will return.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Life or Something Like it
Everytime someone asks me: How I'm doing or How's the job or How's Georgetown. . . I don't have the usually: "I'm Fine" "Work is good" "Georgetown is great".
I actually tell them what I'm thinking. I have so much great things going in my life right now, but for some reason I've had this pesimistic attitude take over me. I tell people that I'm not doing that good and that the job is stressing me out. I think my main problem is not having anyone to share things with. Yes I have friends, but not like when I was in college.
I have one great friend here in Georgetown and I love hanging out with him, but I've been here almost two years and have only made one friend. That seems a little off. And it's taken that whole year to actually get comfortable enough with this person to where we can just hang out and it not be weird.
I have made plenty of internet friends...but it's so much easier having a relationship with a screen than to go out and be bold and meet people. Who knew? I have daily conversations with a few people on the internet, to where I share a little...but it's a little different than having them here in my face.
I think I'm just draining myself emotionally and physically and spiritual because I worry about that ALL the time. I don't fill myself up when I get the chance.
I have a short talk with my mom yesterday and it's great to know that someone else know's what's going on in my life. I'm a listener, that's what I do. I listen to my youth when they have something on their mind, but I don't get to really share my life with them...that's considered 'crossing the line'. I do share stuff with them...but not the personal stuff that you need an actual peer for. And even though my mom know's my struggles, there really isn't much she can do for me. I just have to be strong and live, live for God and do my job. She reassures me that she too went through all of this. Living alone, struggling, not feeling up to par all of the time. It's just part of Life and your growing process.
Sometimes it just makes me hurt. Literally. I have had these awful back pains ever since high school. They come and go, but they've come back. I think I'm just stressed too much, it makes my body hurt so bad. Just sitting right now is killing my back. Funny how little things can take an effect on your body.
I'm hoping this trip to Tennesse in a couple weeks will do some good. I know it's work, but just a change of scenery can sometimes do so much.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
I just saw her this past weekend. She's about three months pregnant. How amazing is that? I'm so happy for her. A little jealous, but still happy for her.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
What's going on?
Anyways...I had a good time. But that's not what's on my mind...
I have been having these awful nightmare recently. It's just weird because I used to never have scary dreams, but for about a month, every now and then I have these nightmares. Nightmares where I wake up shaking like crazy, and scared out of my mind. Last night I woke up screaming...actually screaming. Then it's hard to go back to sleep. Plus, I live by myself so it's not like I can just crawl into bed with a roommate, but I have to lay there shaking until I fall back asleep.
I know there's more too it, but I don't want to give out so many more details. I have assumptions of what I think is going on...it's just starting to freak me out.
I know when I'm dreaming...it's weird, I know that I'm sleeping and I know nothing's happening, but I'm always trying to wake myself up, and I can't. There's more to that too...but it's just getting more and more frequent to the extent where I'm scared to fall asleep. Maybe I just need to start having sleep overs so that I won't have to go threw them alone.
I've been taking sleeping pills at times, but I don't want to get hooked on those. Those just give me a peaceful night sleep and at least let me fall asleep right away if I wake up from a dream. Anyways...just pray that they stop because I'm getting a little scared.
Monday, October 31, 2005
I Don't Like Forgetting
I have a rose made out of a napkin that a "friend" gave me when I transfered to TLU.
I have a beanie that I took from a friend at a high school party.
And you know what's gross...I have a bottle of milk in my fridge that I bought in May that I haven't had the heart to throw out because it reminds me of someone...YUCK.
I even have the posty note on my kitchen table that told me that day and time of when Matt was coming in to visit me. May 26, 4:20.
There's more little things that I keep that remind me of certain occassions.
What makes people do that? I hate having these little "triggers". They usually take me to a "happier" place in my life. But at the same time it makes me sad because it reminds me of how things "used" to be. I realize that life isn't always going to be Rainbows and Sunshine, but why not just enjoy what I have now. I shouldn't let the past happy memories make me unhappy- I should just be happy that they happened. Then make more happy memories. Sometimes that's easier said than done...but it shouldn't be. I should just clean out my place and rid myself of: An empty package envelope that's sitting behind my couch, the milk bottle in my fridge, a shot glass from Houston, an old email that I keep in my pillow case.
This email used to always put a smile on my face. It was this great email about how just thinking about me would put a smile on this person's face. And hot it's nice to share things with someone else, or little things people like about me. An ameail that made me so happy and wanted...and now just makes me sad when I read it...yet I just can't throw it out. What's wrong with me? I just liked knowing someone had these great thoughts about me. But really, I only liked knowing that this certain person had these thoughts. It sometimes creeps me out when other people talk like that to me. ( I guess it's my self-esteem issues). But this guy was just different...
Aaaaahhhh, get off the subject Becky....
So I had an awesome weekend. My oldest brother came into Austin to visit some of his friends from high school. I got to tag along. Yea...I love those guys. It was me and about 6 guys and we all went to 6th street. It was great. Just hanging out and talking. One of his friends, who is married and has two childresn is about to get deployed in two weeks. So it was kind of a "last Hoo-Raw" for all of them. And as I was leaving and giving this guy a hug...He kept saying, "this will probably be the last time I see you." Now that is a statement that you don't want to hear, even if it is true. It's really a sad way to end things. Put's a damper on situations. I'll just pray for his safety to come home to his young family.
"It's the little things that make us who we are"
Thursday, October 27, 2005
No Title
Yesterday was a good day. I actually got work done and I was busy all day. Of course I still checked my email and my myspace account about 30 times, but I also did something productive at work. I left early to work on some stuff at Starbucks. It's just nice to get a change of scenery while I work. Plus, Kyle met me up there so I didn't have to sit there alone. I can do certain things alone and I probably could have sat at a coffee shop alone, but it still nice to have someone there, even if we're not talking. But of course I got distracted and only did a little bit of work while I was there (I did get work done though), and ended up talking and doing cross word puzzles. Then when "work" was finished Kyle and I did some hanging out...watching I LOVE the 80's on VH1. Good times...interesting things happened in the 80's. Mesh shirts, head bands, Rocky Movies, Rambo, Weird Al, Tylenol and much more.
I also got to have dinner with his family. Weird. But it was nice. I really like having family style meals. Growing up, all six of us wouls ALWAYS have dinner together...every night. I miss that. I usually eat by myself up here, so I really enjoyed getting to eat with a family. Plus, they were all great people. Makes me that much more excited about going home for Thanksgiving. What a great holiday, you get to see all your family, have a great meal, give thanks for everything you have, and you don't have to buy presents for anyone. It's just a perfect holiday.
21 days till I go to Nashville for a Youth Worker's conventions!!!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
What I DON'T Like
So for all you guys out there...lay off the silly compliments until later on. Just be yourself.
Ghost of a Good Things
"Eve was not taken out of Adam's head to top him, neither out of his feet to be trampled by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him."
Isn't that a sweet way to look at creation? I like to think it is. I don't really have much to say about it, just that it got me thinking and I really like it.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Come in Last and Reach for First
But I also decided that I'm not ready to be a mother just yet. Not that they were hard to "take care" of, it's just that since they were in my care, I was worrying the whole time. I shouldn't have, but I did. I hope I don't turn out to be an over protective mother, but I'm really scared I will be. But I'll worry about that when the time comes. Plus, I also had to watch what I said or what I wore and how I acted. I'm not ready for that kind of responsibility. I like how it is now, I get to hang out with the awesome people in my youth group and then have them go to their own home at the end of the day.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Who are We?
Around my friends I am a very independent person. Strong-willed and I know what I want. Mostly I'm just all talk. I talk like I'm a Bad-Ass, when really I'm as weak as a kitten. I'm very strong when I need to be. I'm also very sensitive around them I can show them my emotions and am always happy when with friends.
When I'm around my family - I show all my faces. I'm very vulnerable when with them. I'm not scared to cry about my life to them or share my deepest problems. I'm so comfortable and feel so safe around my family that I can share just about every emotion.
I had a conversation with a friend a while back and he told me that hanging out with me is completely different than his perception of me when I write in this blog. When I'm alone, I am a very sad person, I have my reasons and I know why I'm sad - I've just always cried easily. He said he would never have suspected that because I act very strong and stable around him - and around everyone else.
Does that mean there are two different me's? Maybe there's really 10 or 15 me's. We all act differently in different situations. I guess it's just how we handle ourselves that make us who we really are.
As long as we have our convictions. I am one person. I am one person who loves her family and friends and wants the best for them. I am one person who wants to be a certain way for certain people so that I can know they only see...the best of me.
I only want people to see me as a stong woman who can survive on her own and doesn't need to see the vulnerable and scared side of her.
"You say hello,
inside I'm screaming I love you
You say goodnight,
in my mind I'm sleeping next to you
You drive away from my car crash of a heart,
And I don't know."
-Butch Walker
Sunday, October 16, 2005
I also got a phone call last night at about 3:15 a.m. Usually I don't answer those calls because it's my friends being stupid. But I listened to the voice message that was left and it sounded sad...so I called back. It was a friend from college that was just having a hard time dealing with certain circumstances in his life. As a guy, I think it's hard for them to open up...especially to another guy friend. So I was honored that he thought to call me to talk. But at the same time it makes me feel just like the "girl next door" because I'm the one that people feel comfortable talking to. They know I won't judge them and they know I'm a sincere person. But it also hurts because that's all I'm going to be to a lot of my friends...just that girl that they can talk to.
It shouldn't bother me because I love that people see me that way. That they value what I have to say. I've always considered myself a good friend. And it just goes to show that I am...I haven't seen this guy in over a year, but he still chose me out of all of his friends to call and pour his heart out too. It was a very emotional conversation, very draining. So after about an hour of talking we decided to hang up. Well, of course I couldn't go back to sleep. My mind was just racing with different thought about his life and about my life and what we're both doing. I seriously couldn't sleep. I got off the phone at 4:00 and I was still tossing and turning at 7:00...that sucks because I had to get up at 7:45. I'm just really worn out today.
I had to take my middle schoolers to Marble Falls to do a Corn Maze, which was awesome. And now I'm about to meet with my High Schoolers. I'm just ready to get to sleep. I definitely need a vacation after today.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Mmmmm....Mocha Frappacino
I've noticed that I have a criteria that I use when it comes to guys...what kind of person I want to be with and whenever they don't meat one of those criteria, it's kind of like...OK, NEXT. I shouldn't be so judgmental...maybe the person I have outlined for me isn't who I'm supposed to be with. Here is what I look for:
*Christian...preferably Lutheran, but I think can handle something other than that. (I grew up in a house where my parents where different religions, it was hard, but it works)
*Tall...preferably like 5'10" to like 6'4". I don't know, I've just always had a thing for really tall guys.
*Dark hair. That's a little picky, but I do, I like darker hair.
*In a band. That's kind of just a bonus, I like rockers, tattoos, black clothes...all that fun stuff.
*Pretty. I'm a sucker for pretty boys.
*Nice teeth. Smiles are just so captivating, I would like to look at a nice one.
*Strong forearms. I just have a thing for them, I don't know.
*Sarcastic...I can't take sweetness all the time.
*Funny, good sense of humor, will make fun of me or others.
*Good job, hopefully has a college education. I don't want to be the bread winner.
*Someone that doesn't want me to dress up all the time and look skanky.
Now there have been three boys in my life that actually fit all these things. Two I sort of dated and the other one, I just have a huge crush on. I think I only have a crush on him because he has all those qualities that I listed not because he's HOT or anything...well, he is hot, but I noticed that after I became his friend.
But I'm so bad about finding the faults in guys because they don't have a certain quality that I've always thought I wanted. What if God doesn't want me to be with someone like I described above? What if I'm supposed to be with someone completely opposite of that? Would I just push them away because they don't fit my outline? I hope not. I'm assuming when that right person comes along it'll be easy and I'll just be like...you're the one. I guess I won't know until it happens, but as a girl...I think about that all the time. Maybe I need to change my "what I look for in a guy" list...
I don't know.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
I love the movie Love Actually, it's just a great story. It begins and ends at the airport. It's fun to people watch in airports, watch people cry and hug as they leave and also again when people arrive. It is just an emotional time for everyone there pretty much.
When I was at the airport a couple weeks ago to pick up Chris, I had an awesome time.
The first thing that happened was: I was standing around like an idiot at the bottom of the escalator waiting and a lady walks by pulling this big box. The kind that you take a dog in. Well as it got closer, it was a kangaroo. It was so neat. It was just one of those random things that puts a smile on your face to see a lady pull a kangaroo through the airport.
2nd thing: An older gentlemen saw me standing by myself and asked if everything was alright. I told him, yes, I'm fine. Then he says he has bad knees and really didn't want to walk up the two flights of stairs to the third floor. So, I pointed to the other side of the airport and said there's an escalator over there if that's easier for you. He just looked at me and said, "Lady, You're the Best." and walked away. Again...another smile on my face.
3rd thing: Chris arrived. It's always just neat to meet people at the airport. There's always hugs involved.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Also, I have a myspace account and I just changed the front picture on it and I got to work this morning and I had like 8 random emails in my inbox from creepy guys wanting to "make new friends". Some seem pretty normal, but others are just old guys preying on little girls. I guess it's sweet that they notice me, but still...I get a little weirded out. Kyle says I should just be flattered about it, but I have a hard time with that. I don't like knowing (or thinking) that guys think I'm hot. I guess that's just my crummy self esteem showing itself. oh well.
I have seen more people that I went to High School with on it. That's kind of neat. People that I haven't seen in years and probably wouldn't have talked to ever again, so that's pretty cool.
Life is good.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Another One Down
I have known Krista for all the 23 years of my life. She was my first friend. We don't hang out like we used to because she's 4 years older than I am. So once she got into high school she was a little to cool for me. But we're good now. I'm so happy for her. Plus doesn't she look amazing? I always thought she was a beautiful girl and Saturday she was even more gorgeous.
Congratulations to Krista and Joseph!!
What I Can't Have
I think that's why I'm so caught up on this one situation. It only bothers me because it's not going the way I planned. I can't have a certain something, not just because it's out of reach, but because it won't let me have it. That just makes me want it even more.
I'm like this with everything. I'm a skank for shoes. I have so many, yet I only wear like the same 4 in a rotation...unless I'm dressing up, and even then, it's the same black shoes. Anyways...There was a pair of Puma's that I just had to have, but didn't want to spend the money on. Well, I just broke down and bought them. Now, they just sit in my closet. I wear them every now and then, but it's not the same as when they were sitting on the shelf and I just HAD to have them. I want what's out of reach and then when I get them....there's no excitement. I'm the same way with guys. The chase is much better than the capture. I just get tired of things too quickly. Help! No commitment in me.
I always think there is when I'm feening for something...but once I have it...*poof* it's gone. I think that's why I get to hung up on people. They don't want me around and that just makes me want to be around them more. I don't know if it's to piss them off, or to just want what's not there. I don't know. I never know.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
She's had a growth on her brain pretty much ever since I got her. And the pressure of it was just builing up too quickly for her. It was a rapid progression, at first it was just a little ear ache, then Thursday she lost feeling in her left front paw and then Friday morning she lost all use of her left side. It was really sad to see. But she was getting a lot of nerve damage from the build up on her brain. Sad, I know. I asked the vet to tell me what was really going to happen. He said that since it was moving really fast that she would only have about a week or so to live. He asked me if I wanted to give her a cortizone shot...it would either makes things real good or, it would help her for now and when the shot where's off it could be worse. Well, the shot was cheap so I figured I'd give it a go. She's doing really well now...running around. She got feeling back into her left side. (although she was screaming the whole time he was giving her the shot :( ) I was crying the whole time...it's sad to hear that your pet is going to die in the next week or so. He even told me if it starts to get really bad I should just put her to sleep so that she doesn't have to suffer. I wouldn't be able to do that, I would have to get someone to do that.
Needless to say I'm weak and these two days have been rough. I just don't want to go to work and wonder if she is still going to be alive when I get home. That's a sad feeling. Oh well...I guess I'll just focus on today and that fact that I have to go to a wedding in a bit. At least the sun is out. That's good. Yesterday I was FREEZING all day. I didn't know it was supposed to be cold, all I packed for home was flip flops and some caprees. I am just now getting a warm. OK...enough.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Precious Peanut
Pray for her. Our appointment is in about an hour.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Imaginary Rut
But then I didn't get anything done that I was going to do after work. I had laundry to do, I wanted to start doing some packing for this weekend, I need to clean out Peanuts cage because I'm gonna take her with me, plus, run some errands. Now I only have a little time after work today to do that stuff. But I won't complain, at least I got to do something with actual people last night. Good times. I was also laying in bed last night with this great piece of interesting facts that I wanted to talk about today in my blog, but I was like "I'm not going to write it down because I'll remember by tomorrow morning." WRONG, I don't have the slightest clue what I was thinking about. Oh well....maybe I'll some interesting stuff to say later on...
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
So Hard to Stay
"I miss that town
I cannot believe it
So hard to stay
So hard to leave it"
That's exactly how I feel about my hometown. I had some great memories growing up in Floresville, and I also had some really bad ones. Either way it's HOME.
I notice it a whole bunch when I go home for holiday's. There's really nothing to do there, but drive to San Antonio. I don't think I would ever want to live there again, but I guess I should never say never. Whenever I stay for a couple of days it always makes me feel so comfortable. My parents are there, some of my brother's are there. I just like the feeling of being around family. When I went home for Christmas I stayed for about 4 nights (I haven't done that in a LONG time). I had the hardest time leaving. I think I cried for most of the 2 hour drive back to Georgetown. I miss that feeling of having someone to come home to, or knowing that someone is going to be there when I wake up. Someone is there when I need to talk about feelings, life, work, friends, whatever. But that song has such a deep meaning for me. It is hard to go home because there's nothing real exciting there, but it's so hard to leave my family because I just love them so much.
I'm going home this weekend and I'll be there for about 3 nights and I'm already preparing myself for Sunday afternoon when I'll be leaving them. I hate saying Good-bye, no matter who it is.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Monday, October 03, 2005
Just Need to Vent
My weekend was great. I had a really good time with Chris while he was down. So let's see...Thursday after he got in we went to his cousin's house for burgers and some chit-chatting. It was nice not to cook or pay for meal. Then we headed to Austin. We walked the capital. I've only been their at night, it's a pretty neat place. Then we parked and walked 6th street. Just to give him a taste of Austin night life. We didn't go into any of the bars because they were all loud and obnoxious.
So Friday morning he got dropped off at my place and we watched a little tv. I had (well, I guess I didn't have to) to get a dress for a wedding I'm going to this weekend, so we went to the mall. First store I went into I found one. So that was nice. We ended up only being at the mall for about 30 minutes. That's even with walking the mall after I bought the dress. OK, then we came back to Georgetown and went to his cousins step-daughters lake house on Lake Beaucanan. It was a nice evening. Just hanging out, drinking beer, taking a boat ride and then sitting on the dock while a couple people fished. It was just a pleasant little evening.
Saturday we went to Buda and I took him to Cabela's. Which was exciting for him...I didn't get much out of it. We also went to Freebirds, gotta love that place.
Then he left on Sunday after church. It was a nice little visit. I thought it would be weird, but it wasn't. I was actually a little sad when I was leaving the airport. But I think airports in general just make me sad and I don't know why.
I feel bad because the whole time he was here I was just comparing him to Matt. I know I should NOT have done that, but I did. I couldn't help it. I thought I had it figured out, I "want" someone that is Christian (preferably Lutheran), in a band, tall, cocky, funny, sweet. I shouldn't judge people, but I kept thinking...he's not Matt. What the hell is wrong with me. How could I possibly still be hung up on someone that was just in my life for a brief time? weird. I was looking at my text message folder in my phone and I have SOOOO many to and from Matt that are still in my memory. It makes me sick out sweet we were too each other. Aaaauuuu.
Anyways...as I was thinking last night...I really liked having someone around that I can just hang out with and hold hands with and that just makes me feel safe. But then I was also thinking. I couldn't do this for that long, which made me realize I don't think I want to be married any time soon. Or maybe I do and I just haven't found that someone that just makes it easy to be with for a good length of time. I guess I still have a lot of figuring out to do.
I got a phone call from my cousin Bryan last night too. We ended up talking for about an hour. He's fun to talk to. He's 28 or 29 (I can't remember) and he's reading a book about how to pick up chicks. It's funny to hear him talk about that. He's a good looking guy, real nice and fun, just shy when it comes to the ladies. Poor guy. He try's real hard though.
After I got off the phone it dawned on me how lonely and empty my apartment. I just get these overwhelming feelings sometimes about "oh my gosh, I am sooo alone right now". And my apartment and life just feels so lonely. It's weird. Usually I'm alright, but every now and then I just get this feeling of 'there's no one to share my life with', 'no one know's what I'm doing right now', 'does anyone really care what I did today?'. Anyways...it only comes at night and I got one of those last night. I still don't really want a roommate, although it would really help with all my bills, I just like getting to do whatever I want in my own dwelling.
OK...this is an essay and for any of you who actually took the time to read it...you've got to be more bored than I am right now. Get a job.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
What's Really on my Mind
I've heard the phrase, I just didn't want to hurt your feelings, enough times. What, do you think it's easier to grow feelings for a while and then tell me your not interested? What's better buddy? Tell me know or tell me later? I'd rather get it over with.
And here I am...string along this poor guy because I don't have the guts to hurt his feelings. I've never been on this side before and I really don't like it. All I've told this guy is that there can't be a relationship because of the distance...I never told him that I'm not interested in him in that way. Because if I was interested, I would figure something out.
I'm beginning to understand the difficulty that guys have when it comes to the opposite sex. It's just not easy to let someone down. It sucks whether you're the one doing the talking or the one receiving. I guess this is just a life lesson...don't drag things on.
I've had so much anger built up towards guys when they drag out the "conversation". But seriously, they got to have balls to do that. Who wants to make someone else unhappy? No one, I hope.
So to all you guys that are just waiting for the "right time" to have the "conversation"...there's never a Right time. Just do it before there are too many emotions at stake. Sometimes girls fall too quickly and so once you know you're not interested, let them know. Don't wait a week or two to see if your feelings change, do it immediately so that it won't be as hard...on both your parts.
These are just my two cents...do with it what you wish.
Brrrrrr! It's cold in here
I couldn't believe it when I walked outside this morning for work, I got the chills. It was actually cool outside. I know they said we were getting a cold front, but I was thinking...80's or something. My weather bug says that it's 66 outside right now. That's cold for me, and I didn't even bring a jacket or sweater to work today. My feet are freezing. When your feet are cold, your whole body is cold. But I guess it beats the 105 we had yesterday, right.
I'll leave work early today to pick Chris up at the airport. I always like making excuses to leave work early. We'll have a nice little weekend. Today is mostly hanging out, dinner with his cousin, then drinks with Lauren. Tomorrow we'll hang out again and then go to the Lake for some fishing and jet ski's. Saturday is still open, maybe a movie or something. I don't know. We'll just see how things go. His cousin called me about 5 times yesterday wanting to know if I've made any plans yet. She's stressing more than I am about having something for us to do every moment that he here. I keep telling her that we'll just think of something when the time comes. Apparently that wasn't good enough for her and she wants me to have an itinerary for every day. That is NOT going to happen. I'd rather just do something on the spur of the moment. Most likely we'll just rent a bunch of movies. That's easy enough.
Good thing this cold front came in today too. He's been living in days where the high is only 55, and we had 105 yesterday. He would have literally melted.
Wish me luck...
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Let the fighting words Lie
I am a little tired of people telling me how to do my job, when they aren't even my boss. SHIT, I'm doing my best. If you want something done, why don't you help me out and do it yourself. My job is just really getting to me. I hear it from youth, parents, and volunteers. Give me a break OK. I know I can't please everyone, but give me some kind of credit.
I feel like I'm in a bad mood all the time. I'm ALWAYs on edge. Jumpy, distracted, pissed-off, frustrated, stressed...you name it, I feel it.
Luckily I get to go home next weekend. Family usually cheers me up. Or maybe I should just go shopping.
I'm ready for something new, or at least some help with Life. I'd like to move...far away. Just for a while. Get a change of scenery for a while.
Also, I don't know if I'm going crazy, or just under that much stress. But I swear when I turn the lights out to go to sleep at night...I'm hearing people whispering in my room. There's a boy and a girl and it's like they're just having a creepy conversation. It scared the crap out of me last night. I had to turn the radio on just to fall asleep. It was really weird. I usually don't get scared in my apartment, but that kind of freaked me out. It's happened the past two nights. What does that mean?
Monday, September 26, 2005
Days like this
I had such an awesome weekend, I did great doing the church service, the dedication was great, Saturday was just a good day. Sunday I had 15 youth show up for the Sunday night Meeting. 15!!! That's awesome.
Then...Monday comes along and bites you in the butt.
I've already been stressing about Chris coming down on Thursday. I just don't want to hurt his feelings in any ways, so that has just been on my mind.
But, get this. I got a couple of emails from my youth in the high school group that are just complaining about how I'm doing my job. They feel left out or included...well, then. Come hang out with us. Make yourself a part of the group. It really just hurt my feelings that I try so hard to make things fun and then I hear something like this that just wasn't expected at all. I thought I stressed before...Now, I just want to cry because that makes me feel like crap.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
How much is Too much?
Well I ended up having a long conversation with my Dad last night and then he handed the phone off to Mom so that I could have a long conversation with her. I'm struggling with having to help out my cousin. I don't know the situation, but my Aunt called me about a week ago and asked if I would invite my cousin to stay with my for a weekend just so that she can be around Christians and see what the real world is really like. That's a lot of pressure. What makes me this person that can just fix everything? Apparently my cousin is just having a hard time with life and my Aunt things that spending time with me would plant some kind of seed. I don't live a perfect life, I don't always do what I should do, I'm "sad" a lot of the time. I just don't see what it is about me that my family thinks I can handle something like this. Anyways...that worries me.
Work is also taking a toll on me. I have parents coming up to me with certain matters, I feel I'm focusing more attention to certain youth that others, my confirmation curriculum is just a whole other story, I have to do the service this Sunday, which should be too bad, just another thing to think about. I'm so worried about this National Gathering that the Lutheran Church does every three years. There's one next summer and it's in San Antonio and I'm having a hard time getting people to sign up this early in advanced. I just need a day to myself to just NOT think about anything work related.
Plus, I was unloading my dishwasher this morning and stuck my thumb on a knife and cut myself pretty good. It's just been one of those weeks.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
We Fall Down
I also got to have lunch with Kyle yesterday. We went to Applebee's. I really like having lunch with Kyle because he's just a fun guy. I like having someone that I can be mean and rude and sarcastic too, and still have them hang out with me. But it's all out of love. We had an eating contest with our Quesa-dill-a's. We pretty much tied. I could have one, but I didn't want to make him look bad, so I quit eating when he quit eating. Just kidding...I was totally full.
Lauren, we'll all hang out together sometime and have good times.
I'm also trying this new diet where I eat a lot of cookies. Apparently I lost about 5 pounds somewhere along the way, so I'm going to try and find them...maybe even more. I baked some cookies last night as well to kick off this new plan. I only had about 3 last night...but that's because I had just eatin' dinner. We'll see how this works.
My eye is still twitching too, depending on whether I feel like it or not, I might just stop in to the optomotrist at Wal Mart and ask them what they think is going on. I definitley am always tired, although I get the recommended 8-9 hours of sleep a night. I guess I look at this computer screen too much. But it's just so hard not to.
"We fall down, we lay our crown
At the feet of Jesus
The greatness of His mercy and love
At the feet of Jesus
No more fears, you’ve dried our tears
At the feet of Jesus
Grace abounds to all who’ve found
The feet of Jesus"
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
What's it About?
Crazy things that have been happening:
* I've been feeling the urge to dress more like a girl these past couple of days. Weird. Like today, I actually wore heels to work. Now, I don't really know what I was thinking on that one, but these were the ONLY shoes that would have worked with the out fit. It sure does make me feel better when I actually dress nice. I guess this is my way to making myself feel good.
* My neighbor made/brought me dinner last night. It was awesome...steak and some kind of avocado salad. Delicious. He said he would have invited me over to eat. But now that his ex-wife moved back in with him, he's not allowed to invite girls over. Which is wierd, I mean come on, he's like 53 years old. Like something was really going to happen. Why are girls like that. I could be her daughter too...
*I was talking to Chris last night while I was laying in bed. I was hearing some strange noises in my apartment. That was the first time in the whole year and half I've been living by myself, that I was actually a little freaked out. So he was trying to be funny and make it worse...that made me mad and then I almost called him Matt.Tthe 'M-A' was out of my mouth and then I caught myself and said Chris. That could have been bad. I can't believe I almost dropped that. The names don't even sound the same, but the whole time I'm talking to him, I'm think Matt Matt Matt Matt....Aaaauuuuuuuu
*My right eye has been twitching like crazy for the past 4 days. It's getting a little annoying. So I went on the internet to diagnose myself. So far the only thing I learned is that it's probably because I look at the computer screen all day, I'm always tired and my eyes don't have time to rest. Which means if it doesn't stop, I may have to go to an eye doctor and get some reading/computer glasses. That's just more money I would have to spend. Plus my car is still making awful noises and I'm going to need new tired pretty soon as well.
Lots of stuff going on...