Tuesday, December 19, 2006

That Girl

I used to be that girl that would dye her hair every chance she got. It started my freshman year of high school. I had beautiful dark brown hair like my mother's, but for some reason I just thought I had to put in blonde highlights like EVERYONE else I knew. I did it, and I liked it, it was something different for me and I had fun with it.

Then after that I wanted something different, so I dyed it completely blonde. Then I watched the movie "The Fifth Element" and the character leeloo played by Mila Jovovich really caught my eye. I wanted hair like that. So I dyed my hair auburn, well that wasn't bright enough for me. So when I went off to summer camp I dyed my hair Brilliant Copper #68 (Luscious Mango). I wanted it to be very orange...well it was. It wasn't like Leeloo's, but it was still orange. Then that faded away and I'm sure I put more highlights in it, then I dyed it all brown trying to get back to my natural color. Then right before I moved to Georgetown I put Red and Blond Streaks throughout my hair...yes, it looked AWESOME!!! Then last year...February 2005 to be exact, I dyed my hair for the last time. I went and actually got it done at a salon. I did a dark brown so that when it grew out it wouldn't be very noticable.
Even still when I go home my extended family askes about my new dye job because in the sunlight my hair has redish tints to it. and when I went to get it cut last month my lady made a comment about how it's growing out funny. It's actually growing out lighter than what I dyed it and I really noticed it this morning. The ends of my hair are pretty blonde when I'm blow drying my hair. How does that happen??? The part of my hair that should actually be dark...is so blonde. And then when I was driving across country with Lauren and I looked at my reflection a couple times...my hair was very red. It's really weird how that works out sometimes....

Just something I felt like share with you all...

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