Tuesday, April 18, 2006

All over the Place

Goodness it's just been one thing after the other here. . .

Got to go home for a couple nights before Easter to spend some time with the family. All 6 of us where there for lunch this past Saturday...that doesn't really happen seeing as our work schedule is all over the place. But I'm glad everything worked out. Had some delicious ribs and quality time together as a family. I miss that. We usually only do that at holidays...we used to do that EVERY DAY for dinner when we were all at home.

For some reason we really got into playing dominoes this weekend. We never play dominoes, but my mom bought a set and we all just really enjoyed it. Friday after church my parents and I stayed up until after midnight playing. My parents usually don't stay up past 10:30, so it was a big deal.

Easter Sunday was great. I had never been out on Easter Sunday because we're always doing Family stuff, but Lauren and I tried to do some entertaining stuff...but all the parking lots were empty. I guess I'm glad they were, because they should be respectful of the Holiday. Anyways...

I had yesterday off and it was very productive. I bought new tires for my VUE, did a little shopping to treat myself...New shoes. I LOVE shoes, and I haven't really bought "good" shoes in a while, so I spend the $50 on them and I'm wearing them today...they're too cute. Then I went to the movies. I saw "The Benchwarmers". It was a pretty good movie, not really what I expected so I'm glad I only paid $2.75 to see it.

I got a phone call yesterday from a gentleman named Ryan. Now Ryan is a teacher at one of my girls schools and was given my name and number by this girls mother. Everyone thinks that it is their place to fix me up with whoever comes into their path. Anyways...we talked for a while. He sounds nice enough...but sometimes that's just a little scary to be put in this type of situation. I have no idea what he looks like or anything!!! I guess we'll do dinner or coffee sometime. We'll see how this goes...

Lastly...I'm an AUNT!!! I guess not Technically an "aunt" because it wasn't my brother's who had a baby, but close enough. One of my best friends, Becca had a beautiful baby girl last night. Seriously, I already love her so much. There were a little complications, so when I went to see her I couldn't hold her because of fevers and tests and what nots, but I'll hopefully go back later tonight and hold her.
Now I hate to say this, but there are some ugly babies out there. But this one...oh man, this one is perfect. She's just a pretty baby. She has all her fingers and toes and eyes and elbows. I hate that I don't have a digital camera because I want to show you all how gorgeous she is. But you'll just have to put on your patient pants until I can get them developed. I guess that will be my next investment...a Digital Camera.


Lauren said...

Yay for Becca and Steve!! I want to see Elycia--I bet she is
perfect. :)

Ryan called you! Eeeee! I hope y'all go out soon so I can hear all about it.

Rob West said...

I got a digital camera for my birthday.

That doesn't help you, though.

I do agree that there are ugly babies out there. That made me laugh. We're supposed to say they are all beautiful. Bit you know, Janet Reno was a baby once too and people said, she's beautiful!