Thursday, June 01, 2006

Sinking In

I've never been one to make girl friends very easily. My excuse is that I grew up with three brothers and so I'm just more comfortable around boys than I am girls (except boys I like). So having a girl friend is a big deal for me. I mean, I have girl friends that I grew up with and when to high school with and went to college with...but after college is when I really found a girl that I was comfortable with talking about personal life: the future, boys, jobs...just life in general. I didn't feel judged, I never felt embarrassed, I didn't feel looked down on and I always felt like I meant something. Yes, this goes out to you Lauren.

Today I was sitting at my desk is when it really really really sunk in that she was leaving. I kept telling myself that she was moving...but now, right's sinking in. Four years she'll be away. Maybe even longer if she likes it there that much. FOUR YEARS!!! That's a long time. I've lost touch which plenty of people in the last four years. I don't really forsee that happening with Lauren, but it's scary to think. We might be really good about keeping in touch for the first year...but then what...what if we start to slack. I shouldn't be thinking so negative because if this friendship is as AWESOME as I think it is...then we'll stay in contact for always!!

But if I don't see her this week while I'm in Arlington on a youth event...I'm not going to see her for months. Which is rough because we have been pretty good about meeting up once a week for dinner or coffee. I'm definitely going to miss that...She was for sure one of my stress releasers. Now who am I going to talk to about all the things going on in my life? Yes, I will still talk to her... but sometimes it's just better in person.

She was also the one that I got to take trips with...we've been plenty of places: Miami, Key West, Arlington, Nashville, Winston-Salem, Charlotte...never a dull moment when we're together.

Anyways...I just wanted everyone to know that Lauren is such an amazing person. And I am going to miss her dearly. But now worries, we'll see each other soon enough in her new surroundings.

Lauren, I am very proud of what you are doing and wish nothing but the best for you in your new life. This is what you should be and need to be doing. You will make so many more lives full with what you do.


1 comment:

Lauren said...

Beckycita!! When I pulled up your blog today and saw the picture of us, I was like, "Oh, nooooo! This is going to make me sad!!" I actually thought about doing a very similar thing on my blog yesterday--putting up pictures from our trips and stuff.

Anyway, you are such an amazing friend. I can't believe all that we've gone through together in two years--and to think that we never really knew each other in college! I think it's good that we talked about the reality of how lots of people lose touch. . .it makes us more aware of it as I leave. We WILL try our damndest to talk often!

You have been such a comfort to me. This might sound strange, but I always felt better if I knew you were going to be somewhere with me--from youth events to vacations. There is something about having you around that just makes me feel. . .I don't know. . .happy, I guess! Working in similar jobs made it fun to see each other at youth events and work together. And being in similar life situations made us close friends. I will miss our Starbucks time. And finding new restaurants to eat at. And going to bars (or, often the case, talking about how we should go more often! ha ha). We shared a lot with each other and it was so nice to have a friend here who I can relate to. You are truly one of my best friends. Thank you for being so wonderful!!

I love you and look forward to what lies ahead for both of us. . .talk to you SOON!