Thursday, July 20, 2006

What Now?

Remember creepy guy...well even after the police talked to him about not coming around me, I got another letter from him today. He left it in the church office with our secretary. This one was a little uncomfortable. He never really threatened me or anything, but it was a little threatening to anyone how may be around me. So that's a little scary.

All morning and even now I'm just a little uneasy and not being able to focus. I'm just very uncomfortable right now and don't really know the proper way to handle situations like this. I tried called the sergeant that I've been working with, but he seems to be on vacation this week, so I haven't gotten to share any of this information with him. All in due time.

So my great week has just kind of come to a stand still because I feel like I'm looking over my shoulder at everything I do. Not a very fun way to be spending the day...

On another note, I got to talk with Lauren for a lengthy time yesterday. It was a much needed talk, especially with her being so far away we don't get to gossip and share things with each other like we used to. Got to talk about boys, religion, future...the list could go on. I love getting her input on things and hearing advice from her. It just makes life easier for me. I'm getting very exciting about getting to go and visit her this fall. I'm just ready to take a trip somewhere...even if it is by myself!! I love to travel.

OK, so day camp is going well and that makes it easy on me...but I should head out to go check on all of those elementary kiddo's and make sure everyone is still up and running...

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