Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Parent's Just Don't Understand

It's funny how you just have this certain respect for adults and take them a little more serious than you do your own parents. Or, maybe that's just me.
I share a lot well, actually, most of my life, with my parents. I like to keep them updated and hear what they have to say about what is going on in my life. But I don't always think I'm really listening and using what they're telling me.

My neighbor invited me over last night, which he does every now and then, to talk about what is going on in our life. We sit either at his table outside or, like last night, at his table inside and have a beer. He's always very curious about what is going on in my life.
Then he tells me about what he had a guy tell him the other day. He said that life gives so much to us. Which means, we should give back to life. How do you give back to life you ask? You LIVE IT. That's all life asks of us, is just to live. Not to just exist or survive...but LIVE.

Am I really living? I don't know if I am or not. I'm happy for the most part, I love where I'm at, but am I actually living? I'm not like my neighbor where I travel all over Mexico and the United States every couple of months. Yes, I have traveled a lot this year, but half of that was work related. How do you live, what is living to us?

Right now, it's just surviving and existing. But I'm also living...

He's also concerned that I'm not dating anyone...what kind of parent woud get concerned if their child wasn't dating anyone? I sat and talked/listened to my neighbor for a good hour before I left. I asked if he talks the same way to his daughter (we're about the same age) and he says that she just tells him to shut-up. I think I would have told my dad that too. So why do we listen and take into account what other parent figures tell us. It's weird. I would have thought that parents would have more pull on the advice and listening...I don't know.

I do love my parents and listen to them ALL the time...but sometimes it's just good to hear from another person.

So to all of you out there...Start LIVING!!!


Lauren said...

I think it's kinda dumb that he's concerned that you're not dating anyone, Becks. It's not like that's something you can entirely control. . .and having another person around doesn't automatically make your life worth living. I know he meant well, but I had a negative reaction to that. :)

Rob West said...

I'm with Laurey here, Twinks.

Also, I think the reason you ignore your parents when they give advice is because often their advice sounds more like criticism. And they give it whether you want it or not, so you get into that "broken record" mode, where it seems like they're just saying the same thing over and over again, and the fact that they are usually right, doesn't change anything.. you still just wish they'd shut up ;-)

And as for LIVING, it's really about pleasing yourself. I've enver climbed Mt Everest, I will not be elected president, I don't ride a motorcycle or fly a plane, and I'll never be in the olympics. But I have a decent life with a decent job and some great friends, and a good plan for myself. Sure I'm bored sometimes, and sure there's more I could be doing, but I don't feel the need to force myself to do everything. I'm content. I feel like I'm living more or less just how I want.

And as for dating someone.. I'm sure he meant well, but I also think he may have been overstepping his bounds a little. It's not like his saying that is going to mak eyou feel better about it. Honestly, why should he care? That kind of rubs me the wrong way too...

Becky said...

Thanks guys...

I like my life...I think I'm living it. There are definitely things that I want to do to make my "living" more exciting, but hey, it's good right now.
I really appreciate the fact that I live next to someone who at least takes time out of his schedule to check up on me. He really isn't some weird guy that things I'm not doing what I should be doing...he just wants me to be happy and not waist away, which I don't think I'm doing anyways...