Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Call me Crazy

Let me first start off with saying how much I dis-like Diesel Trucks. They used to not bother me until my neighbor would start his truck EARLY in the morning and let it sit there and run for what seems like hours on end in the morning to let it warm up. So the only thing I hear as I'm trying to sleep is the sound of this loud machine outside my window. One thing I don't like is waking up before my alarm goes off when I still have an hour before I really need to get up...stupid loud trucks.

Now this wouldn't have been that bad, but I ended up staying out later than I expected. Why was I out late last night you may be thinking? I met with yet ANOTHER guy from the internet. Yes Lauren, I met ASSMAN last night. (I will let you know that "assman" is a reference from a Seinfeld episode). It was a pretty pleasant meeting. We met at Chuy's in Round Rock, had a couple margarita's and some nacho's and talked about our jobs and what we do. So after a couple hours I was about to head out and he was all....I want to keep hanging out with you. I'm such a wimp about saying No. Well actually I said no a couple times but got suckered into doing something else.

We then went to shoot some pool. I won 4 times, he won twice. But it was so obvious that he was losing on purpose because the last two games he was just sinking them like it was no big deal. He said he kept missing the other shots so that we could keep haning out. Whatever.
It was a nice little evening, we got along great...but the whole time I was hanging out with him I kept thinking about the "age" situation... He's 35. Ouch, I know. That's a 12 year age difference. Ridiculous I know.

I kept recalling all the times I told my 29 year old cousin that I didn't think it was a good idea for him to be "talking" with these 20 year old girls. And here I am doing the same thing with someone much more than 9 years older than me.
Eh, I don't know. Plus he wants to hang out again and I told him that would be alright, but right now I just don't want him to get any idea out of this because I don't even know what to think about the whole situation. I was just excited to get out of the house for a while.

So Lauren...we definitely need to get together sometime this week and do something. Gossip about our week and weekend!!


Rob West said...

Any guy who can be referred to as an "Assman" is bad news.

I myself am a "boob-man"; clearly, the kind you bring home to mama.

(That was a joke. I'm a leg man. We're a dying breed. Chew on that for a while.)

Lauren said...

Oh goodNESS, girl, you hung out with Assman!!!!! What the heck. Yep, we've definitely gotta catch up this week.

And really, if you like him, don't worry about the age thing. It is kinda weird that he's 35, yes, but. . .whatever, I could go on, but we'll talk later. :)