Tuesday, August 15, 2006

What can I say

What can I say? I have been having just a wonderful couple days. I love coming to San Antonio and being around people that I like. I really needed these few days off...I which I could have traveled...but I'll stop bringing that up.

Sunday night was great. I got to hang out with two of my brothers and this awesome little bar...there were other people there. But I just like that we can hang out together and be civil towards each other. Plus one of my brother's was bragging about me and how much he loves me...that NEVER happens. It kind of puts a warm tingle in your heart! Anyways...we shut that place down. It was awesome.

Then Monday, Cory and I decided to be tourists in San Antonio...after we woke up at about 11:30 we finally showered and ate and all that good stuff, then went downtown...took some pictures of the Alamo walked in the courtyard around it and then walked the River Walk for a bit. It was awesome, I walked around with my big camera around my neck taking pictures of lots of things....those will come at a later time.

Then we went home to Floresville for dinner because it was mom's birthday. We had a nice little family meal and just talked...it was a nice little catch up time. I love doing that.

Then last night I got to meet up with Josh and Derek!! Yeah, I love those guys. It's so weird, I don't think I've seen Derek since the SuperBowl in February and it's like we've never been apart. I love friends like that. We just dove right back into our usuall witty banter. It was just so nice. Plus we got to have some serious talks as well. He's going through some "times" right now and as for me...well there's always drama. I think I'm a magnet for it...I don't know. All I know is that I don't think life is supposed to be as hard as we make it...

Anyways...now my brother and I are on our way to our Grandmother's for some lunch. Yea...more family time!!

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