Monday, September 19, 2005

This is Our World

What a weekend. I'm just spent. I could sleep for days. I have gross bags under my eyes...that hasn't happened in a while.
The weekend was just jammed with stuff. My meetings on Thursday and Friday evening were pretty much pointless to an extent. I could rip my hair out sometimes. But I got to spend the night with my friend Courtney on Friday. That was good for us. We hardly get to see each other any more.

Saturday was a wedding shower for an old family friend. That was fun to see all of them again. But it was an evening one, so I didn't stay long because I had to be back that night because of church the next day. So it was just a little rushed. I got pulled over on the way back in San Marcos. I thought it was because I was talking on the phone and going 13 miles over the recommended speed. NO. It was because I was driving in the left hand lane and not letting the people going faster than 13 miles over pass. WHAT?!! I wasn't paying attention to that, I was distracted by my phone conversation. Whatever...the cop was nice and just let me go with a spoken warning. Not even a paper warning. I guess it helps to be cute!! Just kidding.

Sunday was a good day as well. Got to see lots of friends. My best friend Becca is pregnant. That's exciting. She's going to be an amazing mother. I love her too much. But now I'm in the funk where, not only are ALL my friends getting married, but they're starting a family. I'll just quietly sulk. Not really. I'm super happy for all of them.
But you want more news? Here it is. Matt was in Dallas Again this past week...not even an email to say..."hey I'm in Texas". Jerk. Not reall, he's really nice when he sends me emails. Whatever.

Talked with Chris last night and he bought a plane ticket to come see me the last weekend in September. That's exciting. It should be fun, but I keep thinking...why put ourselves through this when we already established the fact that there won't be a future between us. Well, I guess we'll just see what happens.

"This is our world.
It's not his, or her's or mine.
This is our world.
Don't you think it's time we started living like what we know."
-Ryan Davenport

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