Friday, November 04, 2005


Wow. I just went to a bon fire last night for my Bible Study night. (It just something to livin' up our gatherings). I love Fire. No, I'm not a pyro. But there is just something about a fire that is so hypnotizing. I could just stare at it for hours. Only two things do that for me. Stars and Fire.

Both of those things I could just sit/lie and look at for hours on end and not get bored. That was one of my favorite "dates" of all times. I was at this camp that I used to work at and me and this guy just laid on the dock of the creek and stared at the stars. It just doesn't get old.
I also remember being in Pennsylvania with my friend Rob and there was a fire where we were at, and it was just so captivating. There's something about those two things that just draws your attention to it. I love it.

Well I'm off for a weekend retreat with my middle school kiddo's and so I most likely won't be back until Tuesday. I will miss you all terribly, but I promise I will return.

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