Wednesday, November 30, 2005

One thing I LOVE

Popping packing bubble!!

I got a UPS package today with some free promotional stuff. Not only did I get some free stuff to give to my kids, but there was packing bubbles.
I made it last at least an hour and a half and it was only like an 18x18 inch square. But each little *pop* just made me smile.
It's funny how simple things like that just take you back to childhood and make you happy.
My thumb and fingers are a little sore, but it was totally worth it. Plus, I'm listening to David Crowder..."you are more beautiful than anyone, EVER".

Our Advent soup supper starts in a little bit too!!! Free dinner!! And then we'll do the Holden Evening prayer.
This day just keeps getting better. From the way it started I would have thought it was be not so good...but dang, the Lord knows when you need smiles.


Lauren said...

I had free dinner and Holden Evening Prayer, too! I'm a fan of Advent Wednesdays. :) And church ladies' home cooking.

See you tonight!

Rob West said...

You rock on, Moczycita.

You rock the effbomb on.