Friday, July 15, 2005

Almost Over

Well, the firemen did an excellent job yesterday with the youth. They even helped me with one of my little girls that just passed out on us. It was a crazy day. Everything is taken care of though. None of them were really available, but that's OK. It would have just been nice to see someone cute and single.

There is a lot of construction going on upstair's right now for our new Youth Room. It is going to be awesome and huge. It is just a little annoying right now because they drop boards on the floor up there and it shakes my whole office and is really loud. But it will all be worth it.

If you are from the Georgetown area (Austin, Temple, wherever) you heard of the huge accident that happened yesterday afternoon spilling some kind of chemicals all over the interstate and putting traffic to a complete stand still for hours. It happened at 3:00 and was still busy when I left work at 8:30...Well, the church is right off of I35 and the wreck happened right behind the church. So a couple of us just sat on the grassy hill by the hiway and just watched the traffic and the clean-up. It was kind of neat. Then throughout the evening (luckily we were here because of a hot dog dinner) there were policemen and firemen coming in to use our facilities. We were kind of a part of it. Neat...right?!!

I've also been playing with the idea of going to Detroit for like a day or two. Just going to see Matt's opening show and then coming back. I would ask him about it, or something, but he didn't answer his phone last time I called and he hasn't called me back. I just think it would be fun to just show up at this bar, listen to his show, say hi and then leave. It would be fun, but expensive. Just to show him that I would go all the way up there to see a friend. I would like to support his band. Plus, I'd get to go to detroit. Although, I don't know if I could go to that city (let alone any other city that I've never been to) by myself. So, if I can't convince anyone to come, then I don't think it will happen. But it would be neat to see his show and then leave. Just make it a day trip...whatever.

Well, Day camp is just about to be over with and it was such a great week. Busy, but great. Then I leave on Sunday for a whole week to be at camp again with a couple fourth graders. It should be a good time. I get to stay with my friend Jennifer instead of staying on site at the camp. That should be fun. So, until next week...have a great day.


Richard said...

Sorry to hear about the little girl passing out. That is scary.

We recently did a lot of construction on our church too. It was ready right around Christmas this past year. It seemed like it took forever. We had to actually meet somewhere else.

I had to go to the Doctor, yesterday in Nashville. Anyone who knows me, knows I am usually running a little late, or at least close to it. Yesterday was no exception. On our way to St. Thomas Hospital, we heard on the radio that there was an overturned 18-Wheeler right at the exit we needed to get off on. So we had to find an alternate route. We got to see where the accident was when we left the hospital. Traffic was backed up for 2.5 miles. Glad we missed it.

Detroit? That shouldn't be too bad. I guess I could Yeah Right. I don't think Detroit is a place I would like. Watching the show would be cool. What kind of music does Matt play? I like all types for the most part. I can't really get into the extreme heavy metal or some rap. Well, I like rap. I just don't like some of the language that is used by some of the artist. I used to. Anyway, I can tolerate any type. Language doesn't even matter. I listen to Spanish music on occasion, especially at my parents' house. That's pretty much all they listen to.

Good luck with the 4th Graders and Jennifer. As usual you seem to have a very busy week ahead of you. Be careful. Hope to hear from you soon. (Been kinda quiet lately. :|

Becky said...

OK, but you have to help pay for some of it.