Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Won't You be my Neighbor?

I must say that I have one of the most wonderful neighbors anyone could have ever asked for. Especially for being a girl and living by myself in a new town. Yesterday evening as I was hanging out ther was a knock on my door and it was my neighbor. He said..."Let's drink a beer and watch the sunset." Now, this is NOT a romantic situation, he's thirty years older than me and knows that I still don't know many people up here. So, we sat at his patio table and watched the sun go down as we talked about life. He's working things out with his ex-wife, I'm trying to not be so chicken around guys...we just support each other in our decisions. It's a nice relationship that we have. We sit around every few weeks. He's good about staying in contact. It's super awesome to know that someone cares.

I'm also getting my carpet's cleaned today. I drink in my living room ALL THE TIME. But the only time I spill is when I'm drinking Cherry Kool-Aid. I sure hope the cleaning man can get those ridiculous stains out.

"It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Won't you be my neighbor?" -Mr. Roger's

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