Monday, August 29, 2005

Galaxy 500

So this weekend was awesome. I really had a good couple of days. My younger brother and my cousin spent Thursday night at my place, and so we hung out on Friday. We did lunch at Chili's...My treat...and then we went to the movies. We saw "40 Year Old Virgin"...I had already seen it on opening night. But that was the only movie I wanted to see out of the ones they chose. It was hilarious, even the second time. So that was good times.

Then, Saturday I went to an awesome 16th Birthday party for Brinney...Good times!!

But I got to hang out with my cousin Richard again that night. It was fun. I had never really actually hung out with him before. Him and my brother are the same age so they always hung out together. But he took me down town and we went to a "Going Away" party for our friend Brad who is going into the Peace Corp next month. was great. We hung out at the party and then we even went bowling together. I didn't realize how much fun this is. We'll probably hang out together more often, now that we got that initial first time 'hanging-out' out of the way.
Whatever...Sunday was good to. I had a couple of pool parties that I had to attend for my youth. They all turned out really well, a good show at both of them. And I didn't even have to get in and swim. I was just the authority figure, which is great, because I'm not much of a swimmer.

I also got a phone call from Wisconsin boy (chris) last night. We ended up talking for about 3 hours. It was nice. He seems like a really neat person. I don't know what to expect of it because it was kind of a "forced" meeting. Not really... I don't know how to describe it without writing an essay. Anyways...I would like to talk to him again because we seemed to get along on the phone. I don't know...we'll see what comes out of it.


Richard said...
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Richard said...

It's nice to know you are having fun. It's even better when it is with family. Cherish the times spent with family.
I haven't seen 40 year old virgin, but it sounds funny. Chili's is cool too.

Tell Brinney Happy Birthday for me.

Your cousin sounds like a really cool guy. Judging by his name that is. I have always liked that name. :)=)
Well, it sounds like you are doing fine. I hope to hear from your soon. Take care of you.

Lauren said...

too bad our trip idea won't work out. . .

Thanks for being such an awesome friend.