Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Lesson's on Happiness

1. Be on the lookout for negative thoughts. When you catch yourself thinking your life is terrible, stop the thought in its tracks.

2. Put things in perspective. Remember, everyone's life is full of sorrows and joys.

3. Try to find the good in bad situations. If you've suffered a setback at work, for example, look at what the situation tell you about yourself and learn from it. But don't dwell on it.

4. Learn from your mistakes. Failure is one of the greatest learning tools, but many people let failure deeat them. Learn and try, try again.

5. Even if you're felilng down, act as if your mood is good. Smile at others. Laugh. After a while, you may find that your mood really does improve.

6. Be grateful. Gratitude can help you focus on what's right in your life.

Sure, some of this sounds easy...but it's not always.

As taken from the July 2005 Issue of the Mayo Clinic Health Question

1 comment:

Richard said...

Great thoughts. What a pick me up. Thanx. I needed that. Talk to you soon. (I Hope)